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Ka-Zar's Lord Kevin Plunder
Offensive Yes
Defensive Yes
Duration Battle

When played Offensively, this Special prevents the Character from being attacked with any card that has a specified numeric value or more for the remainder of the battle. The specified numeric value must be the attack value and this Special does not affect attacks where the number of 7 or greater is not part of the attack. The character could not be attacked with an Activator card with a value of 7 or greater, regardless of if the Special the character was attacked with was less than 7. This does not includes "to use" values on Universe Cards, or an attack greater than 7 due to bonuses received. When played defensively, it blocks an attack that meets or exceeds the specified numeric value, and prevents the Character from being attacked with any card that has a specified numeric value or more for the remainder of the battle. This Special may be negated.

Meta Rules

Meta #10 If a Special indicates a specific type of "attack" (such as "Fighting attack") then any attack can be made by the Character provided it falls into the legal types of attacks that can be made by the Character and that the attack is made as the specific type.

Meta #66 Specials which alter how a Character may be attacked (that can normally be played defensively) can be played defensively against an attack that has been shifted onto them. However, once the Special is in play, it is ineffective against subsequent attacks which are shifted onto the Character.

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