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Brood's Overwhelm
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Battle

These Specials act as a certain level # attack. Cards of this type act as certain Power type attacks as designated on the card. A variant of this Special gives the Character who plays the Special the Power Grid of the target Character if the attack is successful. Players need to be watchful when this variant of the Special is played and the attack is successful. Once the attack is successful, the entire Power Grid of the Character who played this Special changes to that of the target Character. This type of attack may leave unplayable cards in the player's hand since that Character's Power Grid has changed. If this is the case, the unusable cards do not have to be discarded and can be used for bluffing purposes.

Meta Rules

Meta #29 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", then the second aspect of the Special only takes place in the event that the initial attack is not defended. If the hit lands and is later negated, then the subsequent action is not negated if the result is no longer "on the table."

Meta #46 When a Special bestows on one Character the Power Grid (or Skill Levels) of a target Character, the effect takes place immediately after the playing of the Special. The skill ratings are transferred for good or for ill.

Meta #55 When a Character's Skill Rating changes for whatever reason, any cards (such as Artifacts) which were in play prior to the Special being played continue to remain in play. Any cards which are Placed to the Character remain Placed but can only be played if the new skill ratings allow them to be played.

Meta #122 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", and the secondary condition targets a Character, then the secondary condition only comes into effect if it is a Character which is targeted. If a Special or a Battlesite were targeted, then the secondary effect would not take place. If the secondary condition does not target a Character but affects the playing Character or the opponent, then the effect still comes into play.

Meta #143 Secondary effects to Specials which come into play if a hit is successful remain in play throughout the battle that the hit was scored, even if the hit was later moved on to permanent Record (mid-battle). Similarly, if a hit is brought up from Permanent Record to Current Battle, the secondary effect does not come into play since the hit was not scored this battle.

Meta #152 Specials which read "Target" (with no qualifier) or "Target Opponent" should read "Target Character". Specials which say "Opponent" without the word "Target" refer to the opponent (not a specific character).

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