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Morbius' Undead Stamina
Offensive Yes
Defensive Yes
Duration Instant

This card may be used to negate any Special played by the opponent that does not involve a numeric attack or numeric hit. Any Special that is directly involved in the landing of a numeric hit may not be negated with this Special during the attack. After the attack has been made, this Special can be used to negate non-numeric Specials. For example, if attacked with Any Hero "Unlucky at Love: Target Character is -2 to defense for the remainder of Battle" along with a level 5 Power card attack, then the Character with this Special must defend this attack with 7 or greater by making use of Power cards, Universe cards or other Specials. The Character may not use this Special to negate the "Unlucky at Love" and, since part of the attack is negated, thereby negate the entire attack. If the Character cannot block the attack, then on the player's turn, the Character may negate the "Unlucky at Love" Special as it is no longer part of a numeric attack. If a DY Special is mimicking a numeric Special, then an ED Special may not negate it.

Meta Rules

Meta #3 Specials which use the phrase "numeric" refer to cards which have an attack or defense value, as indicated by a number/icon in the upper left hand corner of the card.

Meta #40 Played defensively, negates cause Specials played by the opponent to be defended. Any actions described by the Special that should not be performed upon its success (discarding cards, being unable to attack, follow-up attacks, etc.) should not be performed.

Meta #41 Played offensively, negates remove any effects still being produced by a Special played by the opponent.

Meta #42 Cards which are "in play" are those cards which are: (a) on a Character's Permanent Record, (b) on a Character's Hits from Current Battle, (c) played by a Character to create some effect and has not yet been discarded.

Meta #43 Unless a Special specifically states otherwise, no Special can be played in response to an opponent's defensive action.

Meta #58 Negates are considered a card being played defensively. If a Special indicates that it cannot be defended by a Special card, then a Negate cannot be used to defend the attack (although it may be used afterwards offensively to negate the effect). If a Special card indicates that it can only be defended by a specific type of card, then this excludes all other cards (including negates).

Meta #93 Played defensively, negates defend any cards which are being used as an offensive action (and therefore defend against the rest of any attack being made).

Meta #97 If a Special that indicates it should be "played with" another card is negated, both the Special and the card it was played with are discarded. If a negate is played against a Special indicating that a card should be discarded or exchanged, then the negation takes place prior to the discarding.

Meta #128 Once a Character is K.O.'d, removing hits afterwards (either with negates, Master Mold (EE), or other legal methods) will not bring the Character back.

External Links

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