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Post's Gather Info
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

After playing this special, move all hits from the target character's permanent record into the hits from current battle of that character. Affects venture total. This special can be avoided or negated.

Meta Rules

Meta #25 Only attacks which target a specific Character may be shifted or otherwise defended by a Character specific defensive action. Attacks made on the "opponent" may not be shifted or avoided. Attacks made on a Battlesite cannot be shifted.

Meta #56 If a Special acts as one type of attack but does damage as another type of attack, then for purposes of determining the Value added to the Venture Total, the amount applying to damage is used.

Meta #101 A defending player cannot shift an attack to a Character if it would result in the shifted attack having no effect.

Meta #149 Cards that affect Venture Total affect the number of points that are calculated at the end of the battle to determine the winner of the battle. They do not affect the number of Mission cards Ventured.

Meta #152 Specials which read "Target" (with no qualifier) or "Target Opponent" should read "Target Character". Specials which say "Opponent" without the word "Target" refer to the opponent (not a specific character).

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