Fairchild's Super Smarts
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Game

Meta Rules

Meta #29 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", then the second aspect of the Special only takes place in the event that the initial attack is not defended. If the hit lands and is later negated, then the subsequent action is not negated if the result is no longer "on the table."

Meta #122 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", and the secondary condition targets a Character, then the secondary condition only comes into effect if it is a Character which is targeted. If a Special or a Battlesite were targeted, then the secondary effect would not take place. If the secondary condition does not target a Character but affects the playing Character or the opponent, then the effect still comes into play.

Meta #145 Specials that do not indicate their duration by their game text should be considered Game lasting duration if they are One Per Deck and Battle lasting duration if they are non-OPD. Specials with instant effects are instant duration regardless.

External Links

View all specials coded MB

Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 18:57