Mole Man's Uproot Earth
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

This special acts as one out of two possible attacks. First, it can be used to attack a front line character at one level #. Second, it may be used to attack a battlesite at a different level #. In either case, the attack is resolved as normal. If the attack is successful against a battlesite, then (like all attacks made against a battlesite) the points do not count towards the player's venture total. If this special is drawn and the opposing player is not playing a battlesite, it may only be used as the first level # indicator, but both icons would still be included as being on the card (for purposes of cards like Power Leech).

Meta Rules

Meta #111 All icons which appear on a card count as an icon, even if that aspect of the card is not being used.

Meta #135 No matter what a Special says (or neglects to say) an Any-Power icon does not count towards spectrum (unless a second Special comes along and changes it). In addition, Any-Power attacks do not need to be declared as MultiPower attacks do.

External Links

View all specials coded LC

Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 18:50