Overtkill's One-Man Army
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Game

After playing this card, the Character who played it may make one follow up to their own teamwork card attack, in the type specified on the teamwork card, for the remainder of the game. The follow up attack from this Special need not be the first follow up to the Teamwork. This Special cannot be played with a Teamwork card, it only sets up an ability to be used later. A character may only have one of these cards in play at a time. This Special may be negated. If a character has one of these cards in play, and is the last character on their team left, they would not have to discard a Teamwork card as unplayable.

Meta Rules

Meta #35 Specials which grant bonuses/abilities to the playing Character (or the playing Character's team) that can be played offensively can be played along with an attack. The attack may not be made with a Universe card of any kind (although the Special and attack may be made as a follow-up to an Ally attack). In the event that the attack is defended, the bonus/ability would be defended as well and would not take place. The attack may be defended by defendeding the numeric attack or the Special granting the bonus/ability.

Meta #73 Specials which have a lasting duration remain in play and on the table. The Special card should be positioned next to the Character in a manner in which it is obvious that it is not Placed.

Meta #90 Specials which alter a Character's abilities/skills that have a lasting duration are discarded when the Character is K.O.'d. Should the Character be resurrected or brought back into play later in the game, the discarded Special would not be in effect. Specials with a lasting duration that do not alter a Character (but affect the opponent or a teammate(s), etc.) remain in play after the Character playing the Special has been K.O.'d.

Meta #125 Specials which allow a Character to follow-up a teamwork card only allow that Character to make either one of the follow-ups that are specified on the teamwork card. The follow-up cannot be in a skill that is not listed as a follow-up on the Teamwork card.

External Links

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Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 18:38