Metallo's Eye Beams
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Battle

This Special allows the Character playing the Special to combine certain specified types of Power cards to attack for the remainder of the Battle. The cards used to combine must be playable by the Character. Multipower cards may not be used. The attack comes in as one attack and if the opponent can avoid either portion of the attack (e.g., an AD Special that targets one of the types being combined) then the entire attack is avoided (see AE Special for an example). Numerically, the attack must be blocked as a whole. That is to say, if a level 3 Strength Power card was combined with a level 4 Fighting Power card, then the target Character would need to play a 7 or higher in order to defend the attack but could play an AD Special that (for example) "Avoid 1 Fighting attack." Combined attacks may not be combined additionally with Universe cards. Negating this special would also avoid the attack.

Meta Rules

Meta #20 If 2 cards are combined for a single attack, then their values are added together to determine the total attack value that needs to be defended.

Meta #80 When a Special indicates specifically that it may not be combined with a Universe card, this includes Universe cards such as Captain Universe (which normally can be used with Special cards).

Meta #92 If 2 cards are combined when used in an attack, then once it hits, the 2 cards are separate and distinct hits on the Character's record. Removing or negating one would have no effect on the other.

External Links

View all specials coded ES

Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 18:06