Bane's Venom Injection
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

This Special allows the Character to make one attack at +4. This attack may not be made with a Universe card, although it can be made with a Power card or another Special. If a Special is used for the attack, then it may not be an Any Hero Special. This Special does not count toward damage and Venture total.

Meta Rules

Meta #34 Bonuses/penalties granted by Special cards are never counted towards damage or Venture Total unless specifically stated otherwise on the Special.

Meta #35 Specials which grant bonuses/abilities to the playing Character (or the playing Character's team) that can be played offensively can be played along with an attack. The attack may not be made with a Universe card of any kind (although the Special and attack may be made as a follow-up to an Ally attack). In the event that the attack is defended, the bonus/ability would be defended as well and would not take place. The attack may be defended by defendeding the numeric attack or the Special granting the bonus/ability.

Meta #37 Bonuses granted by Special cards do not affect any Character's power grids, but the value at which one determines the attack value/defense value of an action. The bonus/penalty only affects the value of cards with a number/icon in the upper left hand corner.

External Links

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Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 18:02