Longshot's Lucky Bounce
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

This Special is played along with a Power card attack. The Power card attack must come from the Character that uses this Special, and the Power card may not be combined with a Universe card or another Special. If the Power card is blocked, then this Special is discarded to the Dead Pile and the Power card is placed face down on top of the Draw pile instead of being discarded into the Power Pack. If the Power card is not blocked, then this Special gets discarded to the Dead Pile. If negated, both are discarded to the appropriate piles.

Meta Rules

Meta #21 If a Special calls for another card to be played with or after it, then the card must be playable by the Character who contributes the card - even if the Special indicates otherwise.

Meta #93 Played defensively, negates defend any cards which are being used as an offensive action (and therefore defend against the rest of any attack being made).

External Links

View all specials coded CJ

Last modified on 9 June 2012, at 17:17