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[[Meta Rule: 145|Meta #145]] Specials that do not indicate their duration by their game text should be considered Game lasting duration if they are One Per Deck and Battle lasting duration if they are non-OPD. Specials with instant effects are instant duration regardless.
[[Meta Rule: 145|Meta #145]] Specials that do not indicate their duration by their game text should be considered Game lasting duration if they are One Per Deck and Battle lasting duration if they are non-OPD. Specials with instant effects are instant duration regardless.
== External Links ==
[http://overpower.ca/tools/quickspecials.php?code=CT View all specials coded CT]
[[Category:Special cards]]
[[Category:Special cards]]

Revision as of 17:20, 9 June 2012

Onslaught's Cannon Fodder
Offensive Yes
Defensive Yes
Duration Game

This Special is played during Battle, and may be played alone, or in reaction to an attack. After this Special is played, a front-line teammate must be chosen. For the rest of the game, or until the chose teammate is KO'd, all attacks directed at the player of this Special are instead shifted toward this chosen teammate. The chosen front-line teammate may defend, if possible, any attack. This Special shifts all attack cards, including non-damage attacks. If the target Character has a BJ Special, that Special may be used to block an attack that is shifted to him or her, but it does not prevent the next shifted attack that comes in that Battle. Likewise, if Character A and Character B both have this Special and they target each other, if the opponent attacks Character A, the attack shifts to Character B but does not shift any further than that. Character B may still defend as normal. Cards shifted to a teammate in this manner are not considered coming from the hero shifting the attack, and not the opponent. Attacks can only be shifted once.

Meta Rules

Meta #12 An attack which is shifted from one Character to another cannot be defended by a card which was already in play at the time of the attack.

Meta #13 Once an attack has been shifted, it cannot be shifted again.

Meta #25 Only attacks which target a specific Character may be shifted or otherwise defended by a Character specific defensive action. Attacks made on the "opponent" may not be shifted or avoided. Attacks made on a Battlesite cannot be shifted.

Meta #31 When a Special refers to a teammate, it means another Character on your team (unless the text of the Special indicates otherwise) that is not the Character who played the Special. If the Special is referring to all of the Character's teammates, then it does include the Reserve Character. If it is referring to what can be done with a specific teammate, then it applies only to the Front Line Characters. It never means the Battlesite or the Home Base.

Meta #145 Specials that do not indicate their duration by their game text should be considered Game lasting duration if they are One Per Deck and Battle lasting duration if they are non-OPD. Specials with instant effects are instant duration regardless.

External Links

View all specials coded CT