OverPower Ratings |
Event held at: | OP Cup , |
Event sanction number: OPCUP2ALT
Date of event: 10/3/1999
Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:14:38 PM
Round | Winner | Loser |
1 | Keffer, Phil (1918 to 1922) | Guillermin, Michael (1579 to 1575) |
1 | Bertrand, Tyler (1925 to 1928) | Frey, Nick (1528 to 1525) |
1 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1745 to 1754) | Thompson, Shawn (1569 to 1560) |
1 | Smith, Kyle (1690 to 1708) | Land, Jon (1729 to 1711) |
1 | Vezina, Chris (1778 to 1787) | Bertrand, Howard (1626 to 1617) |
1 | Sutton, Mike (1533 to 1559) | Flint, Scott (1781 to 1755) |
2 | Bertrand, Howard (1617 to 1630) | Thompson, Shawn (1560 to 1547) |
2 | Guillermin, Michael (1575 to 1597) | Land, Jon (1711 to 1689) |
2 | Vezina, Chris (1787 to 1801) | Martin, Gary Jr. (1754 to 1740) |
2 | Flint, Scott (1755 to 1762) | Frey, Nick (1525 to 1518) |
2 | Keffer, Phil (1922 to 1926) | Sutton, Mike (1559 to 1555) |
2 | Smith, Kyle (1708 to 1733) | Bertrand, Tyler (1928 to 1903) |
3 | Vezina, Chris (1801 to 1807) | Sutton, Mike (1555 to 1549) |
3 | Flint, Scott (1762 to 1771) | Guillermin, Michael (1597 to 1588) |
3 | Bertrand, Howard (1630 to 1649) | Land, Jon (1689 to 1670) |
3 | Bertrand, Tyler (1903 to 1912) | Martin, Gary Jr. (1740 to 1731) |
3 | Smith, Kyle (1733 to 1757) | Keffer, Phil (1926 to 1902) |
3 | Frey, Nick (1518 to 1535) | Thompson, Shawn (1547 to 1530) |
4 | Land, Jon (1670 to 1680) | Thompson, Shawn (1530 to 1520) |
4 | Vezina, Chris (1807 to 1821) | Smith, Kyle (1757 to 1743) |
4 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1731 to 1741) | Guillermin, Michael (1588 to 1578) |
4 | Bertrand, Tyler (1912 to 1922) | Flint, Scott (1771 to 1761) |
4 | Keffer, Phil (1902 to 1908) | Bertrand, Howard (1649 to 1643) |
4 | Sutton, Mike (1549 to 1564) | Frey, Nick (1535 to 1520) |
5 | Keffer, Phil (1908 to 1917) | Martin, Gary Jr. (1741 to 1732) |
5 | Vezina, Chris (1821 to 1834) | Flint, Scott (1761 to 1748) |
5 | Bertrand, Howard (1643 to 1663) | Smith, Kyle (1743 to 1723) |
5 | Bertrand, Tyler (1922 to 1926) | Sutton, Mike (1564 to 1560) |
6 | Keffer, Phil (1917 to 1923) | Bertrand, Howard (1663 to 1657) |
6 | Bertrand, Tyler (1926 to 1938) | Vezina, Chris (1834 to 1822) |
7 | Vezina, Chris (1822 to 1831) | Bertrand, Howard (1657 to 1648) |
7 | Bertrand, Tyler (1938 to 1953) | Keffer, Phil (1923 to 1908) |