OverPower Toronto's Unofficial Marvels OverPower Expansion
From OverPower Wiki
OverPower Toronto released their Unofficial Marvels OverPower Expansion on October 20th 2012 to coincide with the October 2012 Toronto OverPower Tournament. The cards' images were sourced from comic books released within the era of OverPower.
Character | Energy | Fighting | Strength | Intellect | Total | Inherent Ability | Card |
Angel | 2 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 16 | ![]() Link Uncanny X-Men #375 (December 1999) | |
Galactus | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 24 | Counts as 24 points for Tournament Deckbuilding. | ![]() Link Galactus The Devourer #4 (December 1999) |
Wasp | 6 | 6 | 1 | 4 | 17 | May use Energy Power cards to avoid any Strength attack. | ![]() Link Avengers #394 (January 1996) |
Character | Special's Name | Number of cards included | Special's Text | Special's Code | Card |
Adam Warlock | Detachment | 1 | Old: Opponent must discard 3 cards from Hand. Cards chosen by Opponent. New: Opponent must discard 3 cards from Hand. Cards chosen by Opponent. |
OC | ![]() Link Warlock #3 (January 1999) |
Alpha Flight | Madison Jeffries | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 10 Any-Power attack. May be used against Battlesite. If used against Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. New: Acts as a level 10 Any-Power attack. If used against a Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. Reason for change: We felt that the "May be used against Battlesite." clause was redundant and would imply you couldn't attack the Battlesite normally; unlike attacking the Reserve which this card borrows the structure from. |
OJ | ![]() Link Alpha Flight #100 (September 1991) |
Angel | High Flyer | 2 | Old: Avoid 1 Attack New: Avoid 1 attack. |
AG | ![]() Link Uncanny X-Men #375 (December 1999) |
Angel | Aerial Combat | 1 | Old: Cards with a Fighting icon do not count toward Angel's Spectrum or Cumulative KO for remainder of game. New: Cards with a Fighting icon do not count toward Angel's Spectrum or Cumulative KO for remainder of game. |
FQ | ![]() Link Wolverine #147 (February 2002) |
Angel | Avenging Angel | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 4 Strength or Intellect attack. Attack is not affected by Special cards already in play. New: Acts as a level 4 Strength or Intellect attack. Attack is not affected by Special cards already in play. |
NJ | ![]() Link X-Men #74 (April 1998) |
Angel | Millionaire Playboy | 1 | Old: Discard one Fighting Power card usable by Angel to draw 4 cards from top of the Draw Pile. May keep duplicates. New: Discard one Fighting Power card usable by Angel to draw 4 cards from top of the Draw Pile. May keep duplicates. |
JA | ![]() Link X-Men #74 (April 1998) |
Banshee | Disruptive Yell | 1 | Old: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards with a Fighting icon. New: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards with a Fighting icon. |
FX | ![]() Link Generation X #4 (February 1995) |
Beast | Stars & Garters | 1 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made on Beast's team may be moved to Stars & Garters. Beast's team may not defend. Stars & Garters is discarded after 1 Hit. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made on Beast's team may be moved to Stars & Garters. Beast's team may not defend. Stars & Garters is discarded after 1 Hit. |
EB | ![]() Link X-Men #49 (February 1996) |
Bishop | Change the Future | 1 | Old: Play in current battle. Negates the effect of next Event card played by Opponent. Opponent may still draw for played Event. Bishop may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. New: Play in current battle. Negates the effect of next Event card played by Opponent. Opponent may still draw for played Event. Bishop may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. |
OG | ![]() Link Astonishing X-Men #1 (March 1995) |
Black Cat | Lucky Break | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If not successful, Opponent -3 to Venture total. New: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If not successful, Opponent is -3 to Venture total. |
FG | ![]() Link Sensational Spider-Man #29 (July 1998) |
Black Panther | Vessel of the Panther God | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 10 Intellect attack. New: Acts as a level 10 Intellect attack. |
AS | ![]() Link Black Panther #10 (August 1999) |
Black Widow | Disinformation | 1 | Old: Play with any Power card usable by Black Widow. Opponent must discard one or more cards whose combined Value is equal to or greater than twice the Value of Black Widow's card. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. New: Play with any Power card usable by Black Widow. Opponent must discard one or more cards whose combined Value is equal to or greater than twice the value of Black Widow's card. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. |
OK | ![]() Link Avengers #399 (June 1996) |
Cable | Surveillance | 1 | Old: Look at top 8 cards of Draw Pile and choose any 4 cards. Reshuffle Draw Pile. Put four chosen cards on top of Draw Pile. New: Look at top 8 cards of Draw Pile and choose any 4 cards. Reshuffle Draw Pile. Put four chosen cards on top of Draw Pile. |
FK | ![]() Link Cable #40 (February 1997) |
Captain America | Energy Replica | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. If not successful, draw top card from Draw Pile. If drawn card is an attack, Captain America may use it. If drawn card is not an attack, discard it to the Dead Pile. New: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. If not successful, draw top card from Draw Pile. If drawn card is an attack, Captain America may use it. If drawn card is not an attack, discard it to the Dead Pile. |
OF | ![]() Link Captain America #19 (July 1999) |
Captain Britain | Britain's Champion | 2 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Special Card against Captain Britain's team may be moved to Britain's Champion. Captain Britain's team may not defend. Britain's Champion is discarded after 1 Hit. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Special card against Captain Britain's team may be moved to Britain's Champion. Captain Britain's team may not defend. Britain's Champion is discarded after 1 Hit. |
EB | ![]() Link Mighty World of Marvel #7 (December 1983) |
Captain Mar-Vell | Cosmic Avenger | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Strength or Energy attack. If not successful, Captain Mar-Vell is -2 to attack for remainder of battle. New: Acts as a level 7 Strength or Energy attack. If not successful, Captain Mar-Vell is -2 to attack for remainder of battle. |
NX | ![]() Link Cosmic Powers #4 (June 1994) |
Colossus | Stoic Defender | 2 | Old: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Special Card. Colossus may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. New: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Special card. Colossus may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. |
LO | ![]() Link X-Men #107 (December 2000) |
Cyclops | Focused Force | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 9 Energy attack. If successful, Cyclops or Cyclops' teammates may not defend Cyclops with Special cards for remainder of game. New: Acts as a level 9 Energy attack. If successful, Cyclops or Cyclops' teammates may not defend Cyclops with Special cards for remainder of game. |
FT | ![]() Link X-Men #44 (September 1995) |
Daredevil | Guardian Devil | 3 | Old: Daredevil or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less. New: Daredevil or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less. |
AD | ![]() Link Daredevil #5 (March 1999) |
Dazzler | Rebel Defense | 1 | Old: Target Teammate moves into Reserve for remainder of battle. New: Target Teammate moves into Reserve for remainder of battle |
IA | ![]() Link Marvel Fanfare #5 (January 1997) |
Deadpool | Knock 'em Silly | 2 | Old: Play during battle as an attack. Target Character must discard 1 card for each Hit currently in his Hits to Current Battle and Permanent Record. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. New: Target Character must discard 1 card for each Hit currently in their Hits to Current Battle and Permanent Record. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. |
OM | ![]() Link Gambit #17 (June 2000) |
Deathlok | Calculate Weakness | 1 | Old: Target Character's Team loses Inherent Abilities and are considered to have no Inherent Abilities for remainder of Battle. New: Target Character's team loses Inherent Abilities and is considered to have no Inherent Abilities for remainder of battle. |
NG | ![]() Link Marvel Fanfare #1 (September 1996) |
Doc Samson | Out-Think | 2 | Old: Opponent must immediately discard all Special cards in play that affect the "remainder of the Battle" or the "remainder of the Game". New: Opponent must immediately discard all Special cards in play that affect the "remainder of the battle" or the "remainder of the game". |
KL | ![]() Link Incredible Hulk #442 (June 1996) |
Domino | Demolitions | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. May be used against Battlesite. If used against Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. New: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If used against a Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. Reason for change: We felt that the "May be used against Battlesite." clause was redundant and would imply you couldn't attack the Battlesite normally; unlike attacking the Reserve which this card borrows the structure from. |
OJ | ![]() Link Cable #82 (August 2000) |
Dr. Strange | Spell of Protection | 3 | Old: Dr. Strange or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 6 or less. May be played from Reserve. New: Dr. Strange or teammate may avoid 1 attack of 6 or less. May be played while Dr. Strange is in Reserve. Reason for change: We wanted to keep this AD special consistent with the other AD specials that can be played from Reserve. |
AD | ![]() Link Marvel Knights #8 (February 2001) |
Elektra | Reclaim Honor | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Strength or Intellect attack. If not successful, Elektra is -2 to attack for remainder of battle. New: Acts as a level 7 Strength or Intellect attack. If not successful, Elektra is -2 to attack for remainder of battle. |
NX | ![]() Link Elektra #13 (December 1997) |
Falcon | Resourceful Fighter | 1 | Old: For remainder of game, Falcon may Draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile for each Basic Universe card played by Falcon. Discard duplicates. New: For remainder of game, Falcon may Draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile for each Basic Universe card played by Falcon. Discard duplicates. |
FY | ![]() Link Captain America #11 (September 1997) |
Forge | Battle of Wits | 2 | Old: Only Intellect attacks may be played against Forge for remainder of battle. New: Only Intellect attacks may be played against Forge for remainder of battle. |
CD | ![]() Link X-Factor #134 (May 1997) |
Gambit | Thief of Hearts | 1 | Old: Look at top 8 cards of Opponent's Draw Pile and choose any 4 cards. Reshuffle Draw Pile. Put four chosen cards on top of Draw Pile. New: Look at top 8 cards of Opponent's Draw Pile and choose any 4 cards. Reshuffle Draw Pile. Put four chosen cards on top of Draw Pile. |
FK | ![]() Link X-Men #45 (October 1995) |
Ghost Rider | Play With Fire | 1 | Old: Draw 3 cards. Discard duplicates. New: Draw 3 cards. Discard duplicates. |
HQ | ![]() Link Daredevil #372 (February 1998) |
Havok | Collateral Damage | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Intellect attack. If successful, Opponent must sort through Draw Pile and discard first 3 Special cards into Dead Pile. Reshuffle Draw Pile. New: Acts as a level 7 Intellect attack. If successful, Opponent must sort through Draw Pile and discard first 3 Special cards into Dead Pile. Reshuffle Draw Pile. |
OA | ![]() Link X-Factor #114 (September 1995) |
Hawkeye | Action Leader | 1 | Old: Remove all hits from Target Teammates Permanent Record and Current Battle, and switch places with Reserve. May be played from Reserve. New: Remove all hits from Target Teammate's Permanent Record and Current Battle and switch places with Reserve. May be played from Reserve. |
OR | ![]() Link Avengers #397 (April 1996) |
Henry Pym | Mass Reduction | 1 | Old: Opponent must discard a number of cards equal to the number of Mission cards Opponent Ventured this battle. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. New: Opponent must discard a number of cards equal to the number of Mission cards Opponent Ventured this battle. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. |
FR | ![]() Link Avengers #399 (June 1996) |
Heroes For Hire | Call on the Hire Power! | 1 | Old: Teammate may make 1 Energy or Intellect attack at +4 New: Teammate may make 1 Energy or Intellect attack at +4. |
BI | ![]() Link Quicksilver #11 (September 1998) |
Hulk | Savage | 2 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of battle, any Special card played must be a Special card that acts as an attack. Other Special cards may not be played. New: Play during battle. For remainder of battle, any Special card played must be a Special card that acts as an attack. Other Special cards may not be played. |
NN | ![]() Link Avengers #5 (March 1997) |
Human Torch | Strategic Burn | 1 | Old: Target Character may not attack or play Special cards for remainder of Battle. New: Target Character may not attack or play Special cards for remainder of battle. |
FN | ![]() Link Fantastic Four #53 (May 2002) |
Iceman | Frozen Prison | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character may not play Special cards for remainder of battle. New: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If successful, Target Character may not play Special cards for remainder of battle. |
FU | ![]() Link X-Men #69 (November 1997) |
Inhumans | Royal Family | 3 | Old: Avoid 1 attack made with a Special card or remove 1 Special card hit from The Inhumans or teammate. New: Avoid 1 attack made with a Special card or remove 1 Special card hit from Inhumans or teammate. Reason for change: We made an error, it was supposed to be "The Inhumans" like the original text. |
EE | ![]() Link Fantastic Four #402 (July 1995) |
Invisible Woman | Conceal | 1 | Old: Invisible Woman's Team's Placed cards may not be played, moved or discarded by Opponent for remainder of game. New: Invisible Woman's Team's Placed cards may not be played, moved or discarded by Opponent for remainder of game. |
FS | ![]() Link Fantastic Four #19 (July 1999) |
Iron Man | Armored Avenger | 2 | Old: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Power Card. Iron Man may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. New: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Power card. Iron Man may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. |
LO | ![]() Link Iron Man #5 (June 1998) |
Jean Grey | TK Shield | 1 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made on Jean Grey's team may be moved to TK Shield. Jean Grey's team may not defend. TK Shield is discarded after 1 Hit. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made on Jean Grey's team may be moved to TK Shield. Jean Grey's team may not defend. TK Shield is discarded after 1 Hit. |
EB | ![]() Link Uncanny X-Men #320 (January 1995) |
Jubilee | Wolvie Style | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Any-Power attack. If successful, Target Character loses Inherent Ability and is considered to have no Inherent Ability for remainder of Battle. New: Acts as a level 7 Any-Power attack. If successful, Target Character loses Inherent Ability and is considered to have no Inherent Ability for remainder of battle. |
NG | ![]() Link Wolverine #58 (August 1992) |
Ka-Zar | Law of the Jungle | 1 | Old: Opponent's team may not use cards with an Energy icon for reminder of battle. New: Opponent's team may not use cards with an Energy icon for reminder of battle. |
EY | ![]() Link Ka-Zar #20 (December 1998) |
Longshot | Stroke of Luck | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Longshot may sort through Draw Pile, select any Aspect card and play it immediately. Reshuffle Draw Pile. New: Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Longshot may sort through Draw Pile, select any Aspect card and play it immediately. Reshuffle Draw Pile. |
OB | ![]() Link X-Force #61 (December 1996) |
Maggot | Chow Time | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Maggot may sort through Opponent's Battlesite and discard any 2 Special cards. May be played from Reserve. New: Acts as a level 5 Energy attack. If successful, Maggot may sort through Opponent's Battlesite and discard any 2 Special cards. May be played from Reserve. |
GM | ![]() Link X-Men #70 (December 1997) |
Marrow | Bone Shard | 2 | Old: Target Character must discard 1 Placed card of Marrow's choice. New: Target Character must discard 1 Placed card of Marrow's choice. |
AI | ![]() Link X-Men #79 (September 1998) |
Maverick | Reaction Time | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. New: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. |
AR | ![]() Link Maverick #4 (December 1997) |
Morph | Thwart Plan | 1 | Old: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards. New: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards. |
FX | ![]() Link Astonishing X-Men #4 (June 1995) |
Mr. Fantastic | Elasticity | 1 | Old: Play with any Power card defense. Power card is returned to Mr. Fantastic's Hand. New: Play with any Power card defense. Power card is returned to Mr. Fantastic's Hand. |
FV | ![]() Link Fantastic Four Annual (1999) |
Multiple Man | Take the Hit | 2 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Power Card against Multiple Man's team may be moved to Take The Hit. Multiple Man's team may not defend. Take The Hit is discarded after 1 Hit. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Power card against Multiple Man's team may be moved to Take The Hit. Multiple Man's team may not defend. Take The Hit is discarded after 1 Hit. |
EB | ![]() Link X-Factor #97 (December 1993) |
Namor | The Avenging Son | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If successful, opponent -4 to Venture total. New: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If successful, Opponent is -4 to Venture total. |
HO | ![]() Link Fantastic Four Unlimited #6 (June 1994) |
New Warriors | Rage | 1 | Old: Opponent's team may not use cards with a Strength icon for reminder of battle. New: Opponent's team may not use cards with a Strength icon for reminder of battle. |
EY | ![]() Link New Warriors #64 (October 1995) |
Nick Fury | Secure Perimeter | 1 | Old: Opponent may not play any Activator Cards for remainder of battle. New: Opponent may not play any Activator cards for remainder of battle. |
LS | ![]() Link Avengers #3 (January 1997) |
Nightcrawler | Tactical Teleport | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If successful, opponent must discard one Tactic card. Card may be Placed or in play. New: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If successful, Opponent must discard one Tactic card. Card may be Placed or in play. |
FP | ![]() Link Uncanny X-Men #364 (January 1999) |
Phoenix | Warn & Change | 2 | Old: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Universe Card. Phoenix may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. New: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Universe card. Phoenix may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. |
LO | ![]() Link X-Men: Phoenix #1 (December 1999) |
Polaris | Direct Energy Flow | 2 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Power Card against Polaris' team may be moved to Direct Energy Flow. Polaris' team may not defend. Direct Energy Flow is discarded after 1 Hit. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game, any attack made with a Power card against Polaris' team may be moved to Direct Energy Flow. Polaris' team may not defend. Direct Energy Flow is discarded after 1 Hit. |
EB | ![]() Link X-Men #94 (November 1999) |
Professor X | Mental Bolt | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If not successful, draw top card from Draw Pile. If drawn card is an attack, Professor X may use it. If drawn card is not an attack, discard it to the Dead Pile. New: Acts as a level 6 Intellect attack. If not successful, draw top card from Draw Pile. If drawn card is an attack, Professor X may use it. If drawn card is not an attack, discard it to the Dead Pile. |
OF | ![]() Link X-Men #88 (May 1999) |
Psylocke | Astral Assault | 1 | Old: For remainder of battle, any Special played by Psylocke or Psylocke's teammates may not be Negated until "Astral Assault" is Negated. New: For remainder of battle, any Special played by Psylocke or Psylocke's teammates may not be Negated until "Astral Assault" is Negated. |
MP | ![]() Link Bishop #4 (March 1995) |
Punisher | Suppress Enemy | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 9 Strength or Intellect attack. New: Acts as a level 9 Strength or Intellect attack. |
AS | ![]() Link Marvel Knights #7 (January 2001) |
Quicksilver | Quick Mix | 1 | Old: Quicksilver may switch entire Permanent Record of any two of Opponents Front Line teammates. New: Quicksilver may switch entire Permanent Record of any two of Opponent's Front Line teammates. |
CA | ![]() Link Quicksilver #7 (May 1998) |
Reyes | Form Force | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Any-Power card. May be used to attack or defend. May not be combined with Universe cards. New: Acts as a level 7 Any-Power card. May be used to attack or defend. May not be combined with Universe cards. |
CC | ![]() Link X-Men #66 (August 1997) |
Rogue | Power Wipe | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. If successful, Opponent must discard from Hand until both players have an equal number of cards in Hand. Opponent's choice. New: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. If successful, Opponent must discard from Hand until both players have an equal number of cards in Hand. Opponent's choice. |
NT | ![]() Link X-Men #94 (November 1999) |
Sabra | Loyal Soldier | 3 | Old: Acts as a level 9 Fighting Power card. May only be used to defend. May defend Sabra or teammate. New: Acts as a level 9 Fighting Power card. May only be used to defend. May defend Sabra or teammate. |
MH | ![]() Link X-Men #69 (November 1997) |
Scarlet Witch | Warp Probability Field | 1 | Old: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards with a Strength icon. New: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any cards with a Strength icon. |
FX | ![]() Link Avengers #3 (January 1997) |
Shadowcat | Phased Disruption | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. May be used against Battlesite. If used against Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. New: Acts as a level 6 Fighting attack. If used against a Battlesite, damage counts toward Venture total. Reason for change: We felt that the "May be used against Battlesite." clause was redundant and would imply you couldn't attack the Battlesite normally; unlike attacking the Reserve which this card borrows the structure from. |
OJ | ![]() Link Uncanny X-Men #361 (November 1998) |
Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu | Swift Counteract | 2 | Old: Avoid 1 Attack. Opponent must discard 1 card from Hand. Opponents choice. New: Avoid 1 attack. Opponent must discard 1 card from Hand. Opponent's choice. |
OQ | ![]() Link Marvel Knights #6 (December 2000) |
She Hulk | Legal Defense | 2 | Old: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Universe Card. She Hulk may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. New: Teammate may avoid 1 attack made with a Universe card. She Hulk may draw 1 card from top of Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. |
LO | ![]() Link Fantastic Four #43 (July 2001) |
Silver Sable | Rescue Mission | 3 | Old: Teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less. May be played while Silver Sable is in Reserve. New: Teammate may avoid 1 attack of 9 or less. May be played while Silver Sable is in Reserve. |
AD | ![]() Link Thunderbolts #67 (September 2002) |
Silver Surfer | Stellar Bolt | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. Cannot be defended by a card with an Energy icon. New: Acts as a level 6 Energy attack. Cannot be defended by a card with an Energy icon. |
AP | ![]() Link Cosmic Powers Unlimited #2 (August 1995) |
Spider-Girl | Girl Power | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 8 Energy, Strength, Fighting, or Intellect attack. New: Acts as a level 8 Energy, Strength, Fighting, or Intellect attack. |
AQ | ![]() Link Spider-Girl #0 (October 1998) |
Spider-Man | With Great Power... | 2 | Old: Look at top 8 cards of Draw Pile and choose any 1 card. Put chosen card in Hand. Put "With Great Power...” on top of Draw Pile. Reshuffle Draw Pile. New: Look at top 8 cards of Draw Pile and choose 1 card. Put chosen card in Hand. Put remaining cards back into Draw pile and reshuffle. Put "With Great Power..." on top of draw pile. Reason for change: We needed to clarify the way the card was meant to be played. We borrowed some text from Nick William's recommendations and made it consistent with OverPower wording. |
OP | ![]() Link Amazing Spider-Man #426 (September 1997) |
Spider-Woman | Coordinated Effort | 1 | Old: Spider-Woman's Team's attacks with a Fighting icon made against Opponent's Battlesite count towards Venture total for remainder of game. May be played from Reserve. New: For remainder of game, Spider-Woman's Team's successful attacks with a Fighting icon made against Opponent's Battlesite count toward Venture total. May be played from Reserve. |
FW | ![]() Link Avengers #4 (May 1998) |
Starjammers | Stick Together | 1 | Old: Play during Battle. Next Battle, Opponent may not play any Any-Character Special Cards. New: Play during battle. Next battle, Opponent may not play any Any-Character Special cards. |
LS | ![]() Link Starjammers #4 (January 1996) |
Storm | Decisive Plan | 2 | Old: Play during Battle. Each player may only have 1 Mission Card Ventured this battle. Move all other Mission cards back to piles Ventured from. New: Play during battle. Each player may only have 1 Mission card Ventured this battle. Move all other Mission cards back to piles Ventured from. |
ON | ![]() Link X-Men #16 (January 1993) |
Strong Guy | Backstage Bouncer | 3 | Old: Acts as a level 8 Any-Power attack. Does not count toward Spectrum KO. New: Acts as a level 8 Any-Power attack. Does not count toward Spectrum KO. |
HN | ![]() Link X-Factor #135 (June 1997) |
Sunfire | Controlled Burn | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 4 Strength attack, may be played from Reserve. If successful, Sunfire may continue to attack while in Reserve. New: Acts as a level 4 Strength attack, may be played from Reserve. If successful, Sunfire may continue to attack while in Reserve. |
MT | ![]() Link Sunfire & Big Hero Six #3 (November 1998) |
Thing | Stonewall | 1 | Old: Play on target Character as an attack. For remainder of battle, Target Character may not attack or use Special cards unless Opponent also discards 2 cards per attack. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. New: Play on Target Character as an attack. For remainder of battle, Target Character may not attack or use Special cards unless Opponent also discards 2 cards per action. Cards may be Placed or in Hand. Reason for change: We needed to clarify that you would also discard two cards for each defensive special you play. We also changed the code to ZY from OD because it felt more inline to Spawn's Finite Power than Devourer of Worlds. |
ZY | ![]() Link Fantastic Four Unlimited #4 (December 1993) |
Thor | Unfettered Might | 1 | Old: Acts as a level 12 Fighting attack. If successful, Thor or Thor's teammates may not defend Thor with Special cards for remainder of game. New: Acts as a level 12 Fighting attack. If successful, Thor or Thor's teammates may not defend Thor with Special cards for remainder of game. |
FT | ![]() Link Avengers #5 (March 1997) |
Thunderbird | No Future Plans | 1 | Old: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any Special cards. New: Play in current battle. Next battle, Opponent may not Place any Special cards. |
FX | ![]() Link X-Men #89 (June 1999) |
Thunderbolts | Hawkeye | 1 | Old: Target Character's Team is -10 to Venture total this battle. New: Target Character's team is -10 to Venture total this battle. |
OI | ![]() Link Thunderbolts #65 (August 2002) |
Vision | Compute Victory | 1 | Old: Discard 1 Fighting Power card usable by Vision. Show Opponent up to 5 cards usable by Vision from Hand. Draw equal number from Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. New: Discard 1 Fighting Power card usable by Vision. Show Opponent up to 5 cards usable by Vision from Hand. Draw equal number from Draw Pile. Discard duplicates. |
NR | ![]() Link Avengers #2 (December 1996) |
War Machine | Fight it Out | 2 | Old: Play during Battle. Each player may only have 1 Mission Card Ventured this battle. Move all other Mission cards back to piles Ventured from. New: Play during battle. Each player may only have 1 Mission card Ventured this battle. Move all other Mission cards back to piles Ventured from. |
ON | ![]() Link Iron Man #12 (January 1999) |
Wasp | Effective Leader | 1 | Old: For remainder of battle, if Wasp can block a Power card attack with an equal value Power card, Wasp's Power card hits attacker. New: For remainder of battle, if Wasp can block a Power card attack with an equal value Power card, Wasp's Power card hits attacker. |
BS | ![]() Link Avengers #394 (January 1996) |
Wasp | Shrink From Harm | 3 | Old: Acts as a level 9 Energy Power card. May only be used to defend. May defend Wasp or teammate. New: Acts as a level 9 Energy Power card. May only be used to defend. May defend Wasp or teammate. |
MH | ![]() Link Avengers #396 (March 1996) |
Wasp | Wasp Sting | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 4 Strength or Intellect attack. May make 1 additional attack. New: Acts as a level 4 Strength or Intellect attack. May make 1 additional attack. |
GJ | ![]() Link Avengers #399 (June 1996) |
Wasp | Adept Socialite | 1 | Old: Opponent must move 1 Mission Card from his Reserve Missions Pile to his Defeated Missions Pile. New: Opponent must move 1 Mission card from his Reserve Missions Pile to his Defeated Missions Pile. |
JM | ![]() Link Avengers #396 (March 1996) |
White Queen | Business Partner | 1 | Old: White Queen may play any Power cards playable by Target Teammate for remainder of game. New: White Queen may play any Power cards playable by Target Teammate for remainder of game. |
MF | ![]() Link Generation X #24 (February 1997) |
Wolverine | Standoff | 1 | Old: Only Wolverine and Target Character may attack, be attacked or defend this battle. Neither player may concede this battle. New: Only Wolverine and Target Character may attack, be attacked, or defend this battle. Neither player may concede this battle. |
FD | ![]() Link Wolverine #126 (July 1998) |
X-Man | Mind Slam | 2 | Old: Acts as a level 7 Fighting attack New: Acts as a level 7 Fighting attack. |
AR | ![]() Link X-Man #13 (March 1996) |
X-Men: Original Team | Team Coordination | 1 | Old: Play during battle. For remainder of game or until any Character has been KO'd, Opponent may not Venture more than 2 Mission Cards per Battle. New: Play during battle. For remainder of game or until any Character has been KO'd, Opponent may not Venture more than 2 Mission cards per battle. |
OH | ![]() Link X-Men #80 (October 1998) |
Card | Image |
Level 6 Any-Power teamwork | ![]() Link Avengers #3 (April 1998) |
Card | Image | Release |
Level 8 Multipower Power card (Zero Per Deck) | ![]() Link Cosmic Powers #6 (August 1994) |
October 2012 OverPower Toronto Tournament entry gift |
Galactus Promo | ![]() Link Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (February 2011) |
TBA 2013 OverPower Toronto event |