OverPower Ratings |
Event held at: | British Papermill Columbus, OH 43232 |
Event sanction number: DS003
Date of event: 11/21/1998
Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:13:23 PM
Round | Winner | Loser |
1 | Owens, J. Michael (1733 to 1743) | Smith, Kerry (1600 to 1590) |
1 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1652 to 1666) | House, Eric (1600 to 1586) |
1 | Simms, Darin (1591 to 1607) | Smith, Michael (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Owens, Carrie (1607 to 1623) | Thompson, John (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Geedey, Randy (1582 to 1599) | Struble, Evan (1597 to 1580) |
1 | Guillermin, Michael (1447 to 1470) | Roll, Andy (1600 to 1577) |
1 | Simms, Doug (1704 to 1715) | Gray, Nick (1600 to 1589) |
2 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1666 to 1680) | Owens, Carrie (1623 to 1609) |
2 | Smith, Michael (1584 to 1600) | House, Eric (1586 to 1570) |
2 | Smith, Kerry (1590 to 1606) | Thompson, John (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Simms, Darin (1607 to 1622) | Struble, Evan (1580 to 1565) |
2 | Owens, J. Michael (1743 to 1749) | Guillermin, Michael (1470 to 1464) |
2 | Simms, Doug (1715 to 1726) | Geedey, Randy (1599 to 1588) |
2 | Roll, Andy (1577 to 1594) | Gray, Nick (1589 to 1572) |
3 | Struble, Evan (1565 to 1581) | Gray, Nick (1572 to 1556) |
3 | House, Eric (1570 to 1586) | Thompson, John (1568 to 1552) |
3 | Simms, Doug (1726 to 1737) | Simms, Darin (1622 to 1611) |
3 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1680 to 1699) | Owens, J. Michael (1749 to 1730) |
3 | Owens, Carrie (1609 to 1625) | Smith, Kerry (1606 to 1590) |
3 | Guillermin, Michael (1464 to 1486) | Smith, Michael (1600 to 1578) |
3 | Geedey, Randy (1588 to 1604) | Roll, Andy (1594 to 1578) |
4 | Simms, Doug (1737 to 1751) | Kitsmiller, AJ (1699 to 1685) |
4 | Owens, J. Michael (1730 to 1740) | Geedey, Randy (1604 to 1594) |
4 | Simms, Darin (1611 to 1621) | Guillermin, Michael (1486 to 1476) |
4 | Owens, Carrie (1625 to 1639) | Struble, Evan (1581 to 1567) |
4 | House, Eric (1586 to 1602) | Roll, Andy (1578 to 1562) |
4 | Smith, Kerry (1590 to 1605) | Smith, Michael (1578 to 1563) |
4 | Gray, Nick (1556 to 1572) | Thompson, John (1552 to 1536) |
5 | Owens, J. Michael (1740 to 1750) | Geedey, Randy (1594 to 1584) |
5 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1685 to 1692) | Guillermin, Michael (1476 to 1469) |
5 | Simms, Doug (1751 to 1761) | Smith, Kerry (1605 to 1595) |
5 | Owens, Carrie (1639 to 1654) | Simms, Darin (1621 to 1606) |
6 | Owens, Carrie (1654 to 1675) | Simms, Doug (1761 to 1740) |
6 | Owens, J. Michael (1750 to 1763) | Kitsmiller, AJ (1692 to 1679) |
6 | Geedey, Randy (1584 to 1595) | Guillermin, Michael (1469 to 1458) |
6 | Smith, Kerry (1595 to 1612) | Simms, Darin (1606 to 1589) |
7 | Geedey, Randy (1595 to 1612) | Smith, Kerry (1612 to 1595) |
7 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1679 to 1698) | Simms, Doug (1740 to 1721) |
7 | Owens, J. Michael (1763 to 1775) | Owens, Carrie (1675 to 1663) |
7 | Simms, Darin (1589 to 1599) | Guillermin, Michael (1458 to 1448) |