OverPower Ratings |
Event held at: | Pittsburgh Comicon Pittsburgh, PA |
Event sanction number: CW001
Date of event: 4/24/1999
Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:13:44 PM
Round | Winner | Loser |
1 | Clinton, Mike (1615 to 1630) | Kutcher, Justin (1600 to 1585) |
1 | Bertrand, Derek (1782 to 1788) | Brinkley, Ben (1523 to 1517) |
1 | Kozlowski, Josh (1629 to 1644) | Alberts, Tony (1600 to 1585) |
1 | Bertrand, Tyler (1869 to 1872) | Guillermin, Michael (1466 to 1463) |
1 | Bertrand, Howard (1619 to 1634) | White, Terry (1600 to 1585) |
1 | Sproat, Walter (1613 to 1628) | Fatzinger, Tammie (1600 to 1585) |
1 | Brinkley, Brian (1634 to 1649) | Thompson, Shawn (1617 to 1602) |
1 | Alberts, Mike (1600 to 1616) | Degore, John (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Simms, Doug (1749 to 1757) | Brown, Nathan (1548 to 1540) |
1 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1793 to 1801) | Bryant, Shawn (1600 to 1592) |
1 | Godin, Jamey (1600 to 1616) | Brennan, Don (1600 to 1584) |
2 | Degore, John (1584 to 1597) | Brinkley, Ben (1517 to 1504) |
2 | Bertrand, Derek (1788 to 1797) | Godin, Jamey (1616 to 1607) |
2 | Bertrand, Howard (1634 to 1648) | Kutcher, Justin (1585 to 1571) |
2 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1801 to 1810) | Sproat, Walter (1628 to 1619) |
2 | Bryant, Shawn (1592 to 1608) | Brennan, Don (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Brinkley, Brian (1649 to 1665) | Kozlowski, Josh (1644 to 1628) |
2 | Bertrand, Tyler (1872 to 1878) | Alberts, Mike (1616 to 1610) |
2 | Guillermin, Michael (1463 to 1484) | White, Terry (1585 to 1564) |
2 | Simms, Doug (1757 to 1767) | Clinton, Mike (1630 to 1620) |
2 | Thompson, Shawn (1602 to 1617) | Alberts, Tony (1585 to 1570) |
2 | Brown, Nathan (1540 to 1558) | Fatzinger, Tammie (1585 to 1567) |
3 | Brennan, Don (1568 to 1584) | White, Terry (1564 to 1548) |
3 | Fatzinger, Tammie (1567 to 1583) | Kutcher, Justin (1571 to 1555) |
3 | Kozlowski, Josh (1628 to 1644) | Clinton, Mike (1620 to 1604) |
3 | Sproat, Walter (1619 to 1634) | Bryant, Shawn (1608 to 1593) |
3 | Simms, Doug (1767 to 1785) | Martin, Gary Jr. (1810 to 1792) |
3 | Brown, Nathan (1558 to 1576) | Godin, Jamey (1607 to 1589) |
3 | Brinkley, Ben (1504 to 1523) | Alberts, Tony (1570 to 1551) |
3 | Thompson, Shawn (1617 to 1632) | Degore, John (1597 to 1582) |
3 | Guillermin, Michael (1484 to 1506) | Alberts, Mike (1610 to 1588) |
3 | Bertrand, Howard (1648 to 1673) | Bertrand, Tyler (1878 to 1853) |
3 | Bertrand, Derek (1797 to 1807) | Brinkley, Brian (1665 to 1655) |
4 | Bertrand, Derek (1807 to 1822) | Simms, Doug (1785 to 1770) |
4 | Guillermin, Michael (1506 to 1525) | Degore, John (1582 to 1563) |
4 | Clinton, Mike (1604 to 1616) | Brinkley, Ben (1523 to 1511) |
4 | Brennan, Don (1584 to 1599) | Kutcher, Justin (1555 to 1540) |
4 | Bertrand, Tyler (1853 to 1860) | Kozlowski, Josh (1644 to 1637) |
4 | Thompson, Shawn (1632 to 1650) | Bertrand, Howard (1673 to 1655) |
4 | Brinkley, Brian (1655 to 1670) | Sproat, Walter (1634 to 1619) |
4 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1792 to 1799) | Brown, Nathan (1576 to 1569) |
4 | White, Terry (1548 to 1564) | Alberts, Tony (1551 to 1535) |
4 | Fatzinger, Tammie (1583 to 1599) | Bryant, Shawn (1593 to 1577) |
4 | Alberts, Mike (1588 to 1604) | Godin, Jamey (1589 to 1573) |
5 | Brinkley, Brian (1670 to 1683) | Fatzinger, Tammie (1599 to 1586) |
5 | Thompson, Shawn (1650 to 1662) | Brown, Nathan (1569 to 1557) |
5 | Bertrand, Howard (1655 to 1669) | Clinton, Mike (1616 to 1602) |
5 | Martin, Gary Jr. (1799 to 1807) | Alberts, Mike (1604 to 1596) |
5 | Bertrand, Tyler (1860 to 1866) | Brennan, Don (1599 to 1593) |
5 | Guillermin, Michael (1525 to 1546) | Kozlowski, Josh (1637 to 1616) |
5 | Bertrand, Derek (1822 to 1828) | Bryant, Shawn (1577 to 1571) |
5 | Simms, Doug (1770 to 1779) | Sproat, Walter (1619 to 1610) |
6 | Simms, Doug (1779 to 1796) | Martin, Gary Jr. (1807 to 1790) |
6 | Brinkley, Brian (1683 to 1698) | Bertrand, Howard (1669 to 1654) |
6 | Bertrand, Tyler (1866 to 1874) | Thompson, Shawn (1662 to 1654) |
6 | Guillermin, Michael (1546 to 1573) | Bertrand, Derek (1828 to 1801) |
7 | Simms, Doug (1796 to 1803) | Guillermin, Michael (1573 to 1566) |
7 | Brinkley, Brian (1698 to 1721) | Bertrand, Tyler (1874 to 1851) |
8 | Simms, Doug (1803 to 1815) | Brinkley, Brian (1721 to 1709) |