OverPower Ratings |
Event held at: | Neutral Ground - NYC New York, NY 10001 |
Event sanction number: bdm008
Date of event: 5/1/1999
Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:13:43 PM
Round | Winner | Loser |
1 | Pettignano, Charlie (1757 to 1765) | Buff, Mike (1576 to 1568) |
1 | McGowan, Rob (1463 to 1485) | Spivey, Jim (1600 to 1578) |
1 | Keffer, Phil (1854 to 1859) | Dacian, Dean (1561 to 1556) |
1 | Robinson, Elroy (1568 to 1588) | Blank, Matt (1661 to 1641) |
1 | Schantz, Aaron (1741 to 1751) | Mendez, Rafael (1595 to 1585) |
1 | Goldstein, Brandon (1605 to 1620) | Garcia, Anthony (1582 to 1567) |
1 | Duerk, Colby (1773 to 1781) | Torres, Mark (1594 to 1586) |
2 | Schantz, Aaron (1751 to 1768) | Duerk, Colby (1781 to 1764) |
2 | Keffer, Phil (1859 to 1862) | McGowan, Rob (1485 to 1482) |
2 | Mendez, Rafael (1585 to 1600) | Garcia, Anthony (1567 to 1552) |
2 | Robinson, Elroy (1588 to 1603) | Dacian, Dean (1556 to 1541) |
2 | Pettignano, Charlie (1765 to 1775) | Goldstein, Brandon (1620 to 1610) |
2 | Buff, Mike (1568 to 1587) | Blank, Matt (1641 to 1622) |
2 | Torres, Mark (1586 to 1602) | Spivey, Jim (1578 to 1562) |
3 | Garcia, Anthony (1552 to 1571) | Blank, Matt (1622 to 1603) |
3 | Buff, Mike (1587 to 1611) | Duerk, Colby (1764 to 1740) |
3 | Keffer, Phil (1862 to 1868) | Robinson, Elroy (1603 to 1597) |
3 | Mendez, Rafael (1600 to 1611) | McGowan, Rob (1482 to 1471) |
3 | Torres, Mark (1602 to 1618) | Goldstein, Brandon (1610 to 1594) |
3 | Dacian, Dean (1541 to 1558) | Spivey, Jim (1562 to 1545) |
3 | Pettignano, Charlie (1775 to 1791) | Schantz, Aaron (1768 to 1752) |
4 | Keffer, Phil (1868 to 1881) | Pettignano, Charlie (1791 to 1778) |
4 | Torres, Mark (1618 to 1632) | Garcia, Anthony (1571 to 1557) |
4 | Mendez, Rafael (1611 to 1626) | Robinson, Elroy (1597 to 1582) |
4 | Duerk, Colby (1740 to 1748) | Dacian, Dean (1558 to 1550) |
4 | McGowan, Rob (1471 to 1492) | Goldstein, Brandon (1594 to 1573) |
4 | Buff, Mike (1611 to 1633) | Schantz, Aaron (1752 to 1730) |
5 | Robinson, Elroy (1582 to 1594) | McGowan, Rob (1492 to 1480) |
6 | Duerk, Colby (1748 to 1765) | Pettignano, Charlie (1778 to 1761) |
6 | Schantz, Aaron (1730 to 1742) | Buff, Mike (1633 to 1621) |
6 | Keffer, Phil (1881 to 1886) | Robinson, Elroy (1594 to 1589) |
6 | Mendez, Rafael (1626 to 1642) | Torres, Mark (1632 to 1616) |
7 | Schantz, Aaron (1742 to 1759) | Duerk, Colby (1765 to 1748) |
7 | Keffer, Phil (1886 to 1892) | Mendez, Rafael (1642 to 1636) |
8 | Keffer, Phil (1892 to 1902) | Schantz, Aaron (1759 to 1749) |