OverPower Ratings |
Event held at: | Wizard World Chicago, IL |
Event sanction number: 98NATIONAL
Date of event: 7/17/1998
Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:12:56 PM
Round | Winner | Loser |
1 | Simms, Doug (1571 to 1588) | Russel, Nick (1600 to 1583) |
1 | Barnes, David (1600 to 1616) | Kempen, Jason (1600 to 1584) |
1 | King, Matthew (1600 to 1616) | Mast, Chris (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Ragsdale, Paul (1600 to 1616) | Hildreth, Kevin (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Bertrand, Derek (1600 to 1616) | Dacian, Dean (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Batow, Dave (1600 to 1616) | Jessel, Kevin (1599 to 1583) |
1 | Newman, Pete (1600 to 1616) | Hildreth, Christopher (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Hayes, Matthew (1600 to 1615) | Jedlicka, Mark (1587 to 1572) |
1 | Huigens, Andrew (1600 to 1616) | Fekan, Jim (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Schantz, Aaron (1689 to 1701) | Newman, Gwilym (1600 to 1588) |
1 | Sutton, Mike (1600 to 1616) | Cornell, Donald (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Rowe, Dwight (1600 to 1614) | Seher, Kevin (1555 to 1541) |
1 | Barnabo, Mark (1581 to 1598) | Bergman, Bob (1600 to 1583) |
1 | Pallitto, Scott (1600 to 1616) | Simms, Darin (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Miller, Phil (1600 to 1616) | Lamb, Jody (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Huigens, Kevin (1598 to 1612) | Seher, Carl (1551 to 1537) |
1 | Jedlicka, Josh (1569 to 1586) | Isaac, Lyons (1600 to 1583) |
1 | Laroch, John (1596 to 1612) | Cornell, Timothy (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Taliaferro, Shaun (1600 to 1616) | Mitchell Lamar, Rose (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Flosbach, Karl (1600 to 1616) | Andersen, Michael (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Duerk, Colby (1616 to 1631) | Sutton, Dave (1600 to 1585) |
1 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1603 to 1619) | Batow, Tim (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Borst, Karl (1600 to 1616) | Owens, J. Michael (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Trautmann, Joey (1600 to 1616) | DeWitt, Jason (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Multon, Endreah (1571 to 1588) | Russel, Alex (1600 to 1583) |
1 | Marotta, Brendon (1600 to 1616) | Sutton, Garion (1600 to 1584) |
1 | Clear, Jeff (1601 to 1617) | Veneri, Nicholas (1600 to 1584) |
1 | McFee, Joe D (1602 to 1618) | Ritter, David (1600 to 1584) |
2 | Fekan, Jim (1584 to 1600) | Kempen, Jason (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Veneri, Nicholas (1584 to 1600) | Cornell, Donald (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Ritter, David (1584 to 1600) | Russel, Alex (1583 to 1567) |
2 | Bertrand, Derek (1616 to 1632) | Huigens, Andrew (1616 to 1600) |
2 | DeWitt, Jason (1584 to 1600) | Dacian, Dean (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Newman, Gwilym (1588 to 1604) | Mitchell Lamar, Rose (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Simms, Darin (1584 to 1600) | Russel, Nick (1583 to 1567) |
2 | Lamb, Jody (1584 to 1600) | Andersen, Michael (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Pallitto, Scott (1616 to 1632) | Kitsmiller, AJ (1619 to 1603) |
2 | Marotta, Brendon (1616 to 1632) | Rowe, Dwight (1614 to 1598) |
2 | Borst, Karl (1616 to 1632) | King, Matthew (1616 to 1600) |
2 | Laroch, John (1612 to 1627) | Simms, Doug (1588 to 1573) |
2 | Miller, Phil (1616 to 1631) | Jedlicka, Josh (1586 to 1571) |
2 | Multon, Endreah (1588 to 1605) | McFee, Joe D (1618 to 1601) |
2 | Barnabo, Mark (1598 to 1615) | Ragsdale, Paul (1616 to 1599) |
2 | Owens, J. Michael (1584 to 1600) | Hildreth, Christopher (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Batow, Dave (1616 to 1636) | Schantz, Aaron (1701 to 1681) |
2 | Batow, Tim (1584 to 1600) | Mast, Chris (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Cornell, Timothy (1584 to 1600) | Hildreth, Kevin (1584 to 1568) |
2 | Barnes, David (1616 to 1632) | Taliaferro, Shaun (1616 to 1600) |
2 | Clear, Jeff (1617 to 1633) | Newman, Pete (1616 to 1600) |
2 | Jessel, Kevin (1583 to 1599) | Bergman, Bob (1583 to 1567) |
2 | Sutton, Dave (1585 to 1599) | Seher, Carl (1537 to 1523) |
2 | Huigens, Kevin (1612 to 1628) | Hayes, Matthew (1615 to 1599) |
2 | Sutton, Mike (1616 to 1632) | Flosbach, Karl (1616 to 1600) |
2 | Trautmann, Joey (1616 to 1633) | Duerk, Colby (1631 to 1614) |
2 | Jedlicka, Mark (1572 to 1587) | Seher, Kevin (1541 to 1526) |
3 | Duerk, Colby (1614 to 1629) | DeWitt, Jason (1600 to 1585) |
3 | Seher, Kevin (1526 to 1544) | Bergman, Bob (1567 to 1549) |
3 | Kitsmiller, AJ (1603 to 1619) | McFee, Joe D (1601 to 1585) |
3 | Laroch, John (1627 to 1643) | Barnes, David (1632 to 1616) |
3 | Marotta, Brendon (1632 to 1648) | Bertrand, Derek (1632 to 1616) |
3 | Jedlicka, Mark (1587 to 1604) | Ritter, David (1600 to 1583) |
3 | Mast, Chris (1568 to 1584) | Hildreth, Christopher (1568 to 1552) |
3 | Clear, Jeff (1633 to 1648) | Barnabo, Mark (1615 to 1600) |
3 | Schantz, Aaron (1681 to 1693) | Hayes, Matthew (1599 to 1587) |
3 | Simms, Doug (1573 to 1590) | Taliaferro, Shaun (1600 to 1583) |
3 | Russel, Nick (1567 to 1583) | Andersen, Michael (1568 to 1552) |
3 | Jedlicka, Josh (1571 to 1588) | Newman, Pete (1600 to 1583) |
3 | Kempen, Jason (1568 to 1584) | Mitchell Lamar, Rose (1568 to 1552) |
3 | Fekan, Jim (1600 to 1616) | Batow, Tim (1600 to 1584) |
3 | Cornell, Donald (1568 to 1584) | Russel, Alex (1567 to 1551) |
3 | Veneri, Nicholas (1600 to 1616) | Lamb, Jody (1600 to 1584) |
3 | Borst, Karl (1632 to 1648) | Miller, Phil (1631 to 1615) |
3 | Sutton, Mike (1632 to 1648) | Pallitto, Scott (1632 to 1616) |
3 | Seher, Carl (1523 to 1541) | Hildreth, Kevin (1568 to 1550) |
3 | Sutton, Dave (1599 to 1615) | Newman, Gwilym (1604 to 1588) |
3 | King, Matthew (1600 to 1616) | Ragsdale, Paul (1599 to 1583) |
3 | Simms, Darin (1600 to 1616) | Owens, J. Michael (1600 to 1584) |
3 | Batow, Dave (1636 to 1652) | Huigens, Kevin (1628 to 1612) |
3 | Rowe, Dwight (1598 to 1614) | Flosbach, Karl (1600 to 1584) |
3 | Jessel, Kevin (1599 to 1615) | Cornell, Timothy (1600 to 1584) |
3 | Trautmann, Joey (1633 to 1648) | Multon, Endreah (1605 to 1590) |