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531 bytes added, 00:06, 10 June 2012
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This Special allows the player playing the card to cut the opponent's deck. The card cut to is discarded to the Dead Pile, regardless of if that card would normally be discarded to the Dead Pile. The deck just cut is reshuffled by its owner. If the opponent has no Draw Pile then this Special cannot be played and/or must be discarded as unplayable.This Special grants a character a bonus (+1, +2, etc.) for certain actions and penalizes (-1, -2, etc.) them for other actions. If played offensively, it may accompany another numeric Special or Power card attack. If played offensively with a numeric Special or Power card and that attack is successfully blocked or avoided, this Special is discarded if it penalizes the opponent. The Special is not discarded if it grants a bonus to the attacking character, even if it is blocked or the attack played with is negated. If played defensively, it must be played with a Power card against an attack. In no cases may this Special be played with a Universe card attack. A Universe card attack may follow on the next attack. The bonuses do not count toward Venture total.== External Links ==[ View all specials coded EQ]{{Specials}}