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1,319 bytes added, 19:12, 25 May 2012
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==Meta Rules==[[Meta Rule:25|Meta #25]] Only attacks which target a specific Character may be shifted or otherwise defended by a Character specific defensive action. Attacks made on the "opponent" may not be shifted or avoided. Attacks made on a Battlesite cannot be shifted.[[Meta Rule:69|Meta #69]] Specials which affect what happens after an opponent has conceded the battle cannot be played in response to a player conceding before the battle begins (an option both players have).[[Meta Rule:70|Meta #70]] Specials which prevent an opponent from conceding are played defensively in response to the player conceding. After the Special has been played, it is that players turn (just as it is after any other defensive actions). In other words, the sequence of events is (1) Player X concedes, (2) Player Y plays a Special preventing him from conceding, (3) Player Y then takes their normal turn (4) play proceeds as normal, except that Player X cannot concede as long as the Special preventing it is in play.[[Meta Rule:126|Meta #126]] When an opponent concedes, only one Special may be played in response to that concession - even if multiple cards are playable after an opponent concedes.== External Links ==[ View all specials coded BL]{{Specials}}