OverPower Rule Reform

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The following rules are not official.

The following adjustments to the existing rules now apply, consider them when constructing decks. Disregard any official Meta-rules that contradict the printed text, or create unprinted stipulations on cards.

Cards played as written

  • Most cards are now played as they are written. Adhere to the text on each card as a guide to how they are to be played. All errata have been removed, or amended, save for a short list below. (See Errata section) If there is nothing pertaining to the card in the current errata section, then play the card as written, ignoring any previous errata.

Recyclable cards

  • Power cards; Universe: Basic;Universe: Training; and Tactic: Doubleshot cards are recyclable. Any card termed 'recyclable' gets discarded into the power pack after use unless they become unusable.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Previously, only power cards were recyclable. Now it applies to all of the above mentioned cards.

Tactic: Doubleshots

  • Tactic: Doubleshots allow two characters to combine for a single attack or defense. The Doubleshot may now be used to defend anyone on the team, not just the character playing the card.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Tactic: Doubleshots no longer defend only the character playing the card, and are much more versatile.
      • Example: Character 'A' has a doubleshot placed to them, Character 'B' has a contributing power card. If the opponent Attacks Character 'C,' Character 'A' and 'B' may play the Doubleshot to protect Character 'C.'

Any Heroes

  • 'The Any Character Limitation rule' and the 'Power Leech Target Rule' have been lifted and no longer apply.
  • New Universe and Fortress of Solitude are now played as written, without venture restriction.
  • Any heroes are One-time use only. After use, Anyheroes are removed from the game and discarded into the Defeated Heroes pile. If discarded without being played, then they are discarded into the dead pile as normal, and may potentially be retrieved.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • A player may now use the Web Headed Wizard to retrieve ANY card (including another Any Hero) from the Dead Pile.
      • Any Heroes may now be used to follow up a Universe: Ally, or as a follow up to another special. (The rules regarding placing still stand, unless noted otherwise, Any Heroes may not be placed.)
      • The Power Leech is played as written, and mustbe negated. It no longer targets a specific character and cannot be avoided.
      • Previously, Any-Heroes were discarded into the dead pile after use, not the Defeated Heroes pile.

Shift Rule

  • The original Shift Rule as been lifted and no longer applies.
  • Attacks may be 'double shifted.'
  • Attacks may notbe shifted to any target the opponent could not normally have targeted with the attack in the first place.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Players may now employ a 'double-shift' if necessary. Shifting an attack from one character, then re-shifting it elsewhere.
      • Also, attacks may no longer be shifted to a character that the opponent could not have targeted (IE: protected by an existing special that prevents such an attack.)
      • If a character has a special in play that states he may not be attacked, then no attacks may be shifted to him. The attack is no longer shifted 'behind' the existing special.
        • Notable exception: Any attack that could normally breach a protection in place may be shifted to that character.

Absent characters from Homebases

  • A team using a character specific Location card (With 6 printed characters) as a homebase may include up to 2 specials fromabsent characters. A player is allowed a single OPD special from either character, OR one (1) non-OPD special from both characters. This rule does NOT apply to sum-deck homebases such as Marvel Universe etc.
  • 'For example – A team using The Four Freedoms plaza as a homebase, with a team of Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Thing and Mr. Fantastic, may elect to add a single She Hulk or Namor OPD; OR they may add one She Hulk AND one Namor non-OPD.
  • The card may be placed to the homebase (with a limit one placed special at a time). When played, the special is played through a chosencharacter, and is now considered a special belonging to thatcharacter.
  • Code limit. As with Battlesites, two cards used in this manner must NOT be of a duplicate code.

Inherent abilities

  • Character inherent abilities apply at all times, not just when they are on the front line. This doesn't override the reserve limitation for playing specials, unless stated otherwise, but inherent abilities do not shut off while in the reserve.
  • Also – see the addition of inherent abilities for DC characters at the end of this document.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Certain character inherent abilities did not apply while a character was in the reserve. (IE: abilities that granted a bonus to Venture.) This no longer applies, and such abilities are now in effect at all times, even from reserve.

Battlesites and Variants

  • A battlesite may now contain specials of a variant character that appears on a player's team. Clones are still forbidden.
  • A One-per-deck is stilla one-per-deck, however, and this extends to the battlesite as well. Using an OPD for your variant character on the front line means you can't have that same OPD in the battlesite for the same character.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Normally, when constructing a site, a playermay not include any specials belonging to a variant of a character appearing on their team. (IE: Sentinels and Bastion) The specials belonging to the variant may now appear in the battlesite, whereas before the player could not include them.
      • IE: Using Bastion on a team does not preclude the player from using the Sentinels specials in the battlesite, potentially giving that player legal doubles of certain cards in the same hand.

Top of a player's action

  • All Universe, Tactic, Activators, and Aspect cards must be played at the top of a player's action, and may never be used to follow up or combine with an attack or action unless being played with another card that specifically allows it, orunless being used defensively (where applicable). Any other type of card may be played without said restriction.
  • Activator Exception – Activators may be used as a follow up action to a special IF the Devourer of Worlds Any Hero is in play. The activator itself becomes the attack.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • All universe cards must now be used at the top of a player's action, where before it only applied to Universe: Ally and Universe: Teamwork cards.
      • Some artifacts may now be played defensively, to shift attacks, or boost stats etc. as long as it meets the requirements ofplaying a card defensively.
      • Previously Activators could not be used as follow up attacks to against DoW, where now they can.

Combining cards

  • If a card allows for a combination with another card, then the card must be of the specified card and power type. If no card 'type' is listed (IE: Power card), then it may combined with any special card or power cardusable by the character playing the special, or by a teammate if the special allows a teammate to contribute.
  • Combined cards share properties. A special combined with a power card is now both a special AND a power card for the purposes of the attack, and what can be used to defend it.
  • Note: a card 'boosted' by another card is also considered to share properties. Power cards played with teamworks are both power cards and universe cards. Likewise a power card boosted by a special card is considered a special and a power card, even if the special that boosted it doesn't technically 'combine.'
    • How this differs from the existing rules:
      • Some specials that allow for combinations only specify a power type, not a card type.
      • (IE: Hulk: Green Goliath) In these cases, the character may combine the card with either a special or a power card, rather than just a power card as previously ruled.

Playing a defense

  • A defense is defined as any card played in responseto an opponent's action that protects a specific character; boosts a character's defense against an attacking/played card; or limits/restricts an opponent's(as opposed to a 'target') ability to attack as well as affecting any card played for the attack.
  • Any card meeting these requirements may be played defensively. Cards that have no direct effect on an attacking/played card may NOT be played in response as a defense. Likewise you cannot play a buff card to boost a card that is already capable of defending an attack, but bonus MUST be necessary for the defense.
  • For purposes of definition – 'block' is synonymous with 'defend'
  • Also, utilizing a card already in playdoesn't constitute a 'defense' as it is not being played 'in response' to the action.
  • Any card that stipulates 'Play in current battle' or 'Play on your turn' may NOT be played defensively.
  • In short, a card (or combination of cards) may be played defensively if it:
    1. Avoids, shifts, blocks or negates the attack.
    2. Restricts the types of cards or the manner in which the defendermay be attacked (which defends the attack).
      • Example: Only attacks made with Universe cards may be used to attack <character> for remainder of battle.
    3. Modifies the type of cards (or manner in which) the opponentmay use to attack.
      • Example: Opponent may not use <power type> power cards level 6 – 8 to attack for remainder of battle.
    4. Is a buff for the team or a de-buff for the opponent.
      • Examples:
        • <character> is +2 to defense for remainder of battle.
        • Character's <power type> rating is increased to 7 for remainder of game
        • Opponent is -1 on all actionsfor remainder of battle.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • In some cases, cards that affect the 'opponent' were previously not playable defensively.
      • (Eg: Mr. Fantastic, object bounce) This has now been changed withthe blanket ruling that affects all such cards. As well, some tactic: artifacts may now be played defensively, where before they could only be played at the top of a player's action.
      • For reference, below is a list of specials that apply.
      • NOTE: This list is a guide and not necessarily comprehensive.
        • AO coded specials (eg: Beast: Analyze)
        • BB coded specials (eg: Punisher: Vendetta)
        • CM coded specials (eg: Iceman: Snowblind, Juggernaut: Magic Helm)
        • DI coded specials (eg: Mr. Fantastic: Object Bounce)
        • DL coded cards (eg: Mr. Sinister: Hidden Agenda.)
        • DZ coded specials (eg: Nightcrawler: Trick Transport)
        • FA coded specials (eg: Thing: Aunt Petunia)
        • HE coded specials (eg:Blob: Flabby Fighter)
        • KC coded specials (eg: Grunge: Danger Seeker, Mole Man: Social Outcast)
        • MW coded specials (eg: Ripclaw: Cyberforce)
        • ND coded specials (eg: Savage Dragon: Chicago PD)

Card 'Selection' etiquette.

  • If a card allows a player to 'select' a specific card or card type fromthe draw pile, power pack or dead pile and add it to his hand, then he must reveal the card to his opponent.
  • If no card type is specified, then the player need not reveal the card to his opponent.
  • IE: A player uses Ghost Rider 'Skeletal Summoning' to select a Ghost Rider Special from the draw pile and place it in his hand, he must show his opponent which card he chooses, as it's specifically stated. If the player uses the Any-hero 'Web Headed Wizard' to choose a card from the dead pile, he need not show his opponent the chosen card because no specific card type was stated.

Character KO

  • TKO: (aka: Dead is Dead) – ANY character who receives 20 points of damage (Cumulative) AND 3 icons (Spectrum) is KOd, regardless of any inherent abilities, or other effects. (Official rule, no change.)
  • Cheating Death – If a circumstance allows a character to remain in the fight after being KOd, and the KO is undone by removing a hit, then the character does not have to be discarded after the round ends, and may continue play normally.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Characters may now potentially be saved if a killing hit isremoved before they are taken out of play. Normally, KO'd characters are removed immediately, but some limited circumstances allow a character to remain until the battle has concluded. In these cases, strategic healing will prevent the character from being removed.

Ending a battle

  • A battle is only over when one of two things occurs – A player concedes, or both players pass. Until then a battle continues as normal, even if one player has lost his entire team.
  • Once a battle has ended due to both players passing, then total up venture as normal.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • A battle no longer ends immediately upon the KO of the last character on a team. Despite a dead team, there may still be playable cards on either side. (Aspect cards are played from the homebase, so a player witha dead team could still play an aspect. Likewise, a player who has killed his opponent's front line may still be able to play specials that add to venture, affect ventured cards etc.)

Duration rule

  • Cards with a lasting effect remain in play until the end of their duration. A 'duration' is defined by any card that stipulates:
    • 'Remainder of Battle'
    • 'Remainder of Game'
    • 'Until...' a specific event or action occurs.
  • If no duration is printed, then it is considered to be (B) if OPD and (A) if a non-OPD.
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • Rules 'A' and 'B' are official rulings. However, duration rule 'C' has been added to cover extra cards that fell outsidethe scope of 'A' and 'B.'
      • In addition, this blanket rule applies to ALL cards, not select cards.
      • Examples of affected cards: (This list is a guide, and by no means comprehensive)
        • BE coded specials (IE: Sabretooth: Blood Hunt) that are OPD are considered remainder of game.
        • EB specials (IE Brood: Brood Spawn) with no printed duration will last until they are hit, as stipulated on the card, and are not discarded after a single battle.
        • EZ coded Specials (IE: Omega Red: Carbonadium Synthesizer) will now last for the remainder of the game, not just one battle.
        • KC specials (IE: Mole Man: Social Outcast) that are not OPD will remain in play until the stipulation has been met, and are not discarded after a single battle.

Basic Universe cards counting for Damage

  • Basic universe cards do notnormally count to venture or damage. However, some circumstances may arise that will allow this. In this case the universe cards are considered to have the icon they represent. (IE: A +3 fighting universe card is considered to be a 3 fighting hit, if it counts to damage.)
    • How this differs from the existing rule:
      • The universe card now counts as an icon and therefore a spectrum hit, where before it would be considered 'any power' and not count to spectrum.

Infinite loop rule

  • If any situation would cause an infinite loop, the player playing the card chooses any positive integer. The loop instantly occurs that many times, then immediately ends, ending the player's turn.


ALL cards are played as written on the card. The only errata that apply are the following: (Standing official errata have been indicated)

All 'avoid' defensive specials with a printed limitation (IE: avoid 1 fighting, teammate avoid 1 attack etc) are considered to be AD coded specials. All personal pure avoid specials (Avoid 1 attack) are considered to be AG coded specials. (OFFICIAL)

All Universe: Ally cards should read 'teammate must play a special card.' (OFFICIAL)

All Any-Power Power cards are considered 'One-Per-Deck.' (Applies to the AP 7, which does not contain the OPD text.) (Official)

A3 (Danger RoomAspect) should read 'are not affected' instead of 'may not be defended.' (OFFICIAL)

AP coded specials should all read 'may not be defended by a card with an <power type> icon.' (Specifically pertains to Rhino: Rhino Charge) (OFFICIAL)

BC (eg: Hulk: Intimidate) coded specials should read "Play in current battle. When opponent brings in reserve, reserve may not enter until next battle." (HOUSE)

GD coded specials (Specifically Onslaught: Mutant Gestalt) should read "If successful, acts as a level 1 energy OR strength hit." (OFFICAL)

HM coded card (Longshot: Purity of thought) should read: 'foreach card discarded this battle by Longshot's team, placed or in hand...' (HOUSE)

HP coded special (Morph: Substitute Death) should read: Play in current battle. After one teammate is KO'd, immediately exchange KO'd teammate and Morph. Discard all Placed cards. All Hits remain. (HOUSE)

HQ coded specials (eg: Mr. Fantastic: Inventive Genius) are all considered to be OPD. (OFFICIAL)

LN coded special (Marauders: Vertigo) is now considered to be OPD, but played as written and may be used defensively. (HOUSE)

Maverick's 'Freelance Spy' should include the phrase 'for the remainder of the battle.' (OFFICIAL)

Beyonder's Inherent ability should read: 'Counts as 28 points for Tournament Deckbuilding. Power grid is equal to highest value of all active teammates. May play any teammate's special cards. May not play any OPD special cards.' (OFFICIAL)

Four Freedoms Plazalocation card inherent ability should read:

  • Any attack on FF team may be shifted to any teammate, who must defend with a Power Card of 4 or less. If a power type on a character's grid is 4 or less, powercards of that type are +1 when used for defense (HOUSE)

Onslaught's Citadellocation card inherent ability should read:

  • Team may only draw 7 cards during the draw phase if opponent is playing 'Assault on Onslaught' mission set. (HOUSE)

DC Character inherent abilities

The following inherent abilities are considered legal for play. To use them - Print up the inherent at 8 point type, tapeit to a clear sleeve and slide your character into the sleeve. Make sure the character's grid is not obscured.

Bane: Intellect power grid is 8 offensive actions.

Catwoman: May play 'prowling by night' from reserve.

Commissioner Gordon & the GCPD: Team's Universe: Basic cards count toward venture when used for defense.

Hazard: Energy power cards are +1 when used to attack.

Huntress: May attack from reserve with power cards.

Joker: Attacks made with Multi-power power cards may only be defended by the target character.

Killer Croc: May only be cumulative ko'd with 25 pts, or spectrum Ko'd with four types.

Metropolis SCU: May have two special cards placed, may not be duplicate.

Nightwing: May place and play Robin "Surfing the Net" and Batman "Martial Arts Expert" Special cards.

Penguin: May make 1 intellect attack after opponent has conceded the battle. Opponent may defend.

Poison Ivy: May place 'Any-hero' specials.

Riddler: May place cards upside down. Normal placing limits still apply.

Steel: Strength power grid is 8 for defense. May defend teammates with level 7 or 8 power cards usable by Steel.

Superboy: Energy attacks may not be affected by cards already in play.

Supergirl: May defend any teammate with power cards. Effective in reserve or front line.

Thorn: Team's Universe: Basic cards count towards damage and venture.

Two-Face: Attacks made with 'Flip ofthe Coin' must be defended twice.