
From OverPower Wiki
Revision as of 17:32, 13 March 2012 by Jack (Talk | contribs)

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Who am I

I'm Jack Truong. I run this wiki. I also run the main website. I'm a programmer who's also interested in OverPower. I'm combining my skills to help the OverPower revival.

What are my skills

I'm a database programmer, which means I love tables. I'm the current maintainer of the OverPower Database. I prefer to use MySQL/MariaDB for my database engine.

I'm also a very proficient PHP developer, the main website is written by me from scratch. I also use Javascript/jQuery as well as HTML5 to make the site more lively.

I know my way around Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro. I use VirtualDub to record the OverPower matches at our Toronto Meetups. I own three webcams, 2 Microsoft Lifecam Studio and 1 Microsoft Lifecam as well as two Snowflake microphones for proper sound recording.

What are my interests

I'm interested in OverPower. I'm also interested in new technologies and social media (I also run the Twitter account, YouTube page and Facebook page.

What decks I like running

The main types of decks I like are decks that are heavy hitting, mostly with high damaging cards like AR or HN. One of my favourite decks is:

  • The Hand
  • The Starjammers
  • Nick Fury
  • Hawkeye (Reserve)

I like this deck because each character has a way to deal a 8 damage. With the Marvels OverPower Expansion, the deck has some tricks with Nick Fury's mini Devourer of Worlds and Hawkeye's Action Leader.

Another deck that I am currently running is:

  • Adam Warlock
  • Cyclops
  • Gambit
  • Velocity (Reserve)