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Event held at:Pittsburgh Comicon
Pittsburgh, PA

Event sanction number: pitt003

Date of event: 4/29/2000

Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:14:42 PM

1 Simms, Doug (1826 to 1830) Brinkley, Jenn (1499 to 1495)
1 Brinkley, Brian (1742 to 1749) Alberts, Tony (1535 to 1528)
1 Sproat, Walter (1610 to 1625) Fatzinger, Tammie (1586 to 1571)
1 Alberts, Mike (1596 to 1612) Thompson, Chris (1600 to 1584)
1 Weakland, Dennis (1607 to 1622) Brennan, Don (1593 to 1578)
1 Guillermin, Michael (1578 to 1599) Wilson, Chad (1683 to 1662)
2 Thompson, Chris (1584 to 1600) Brennan, Don (1578 to 1562)
2 Brinkley, Brian (1749 to 1757) Fatzinger, Tammie (1571 to 1563)
2 Guillermin, Michael (1599 to 1624) Simms, Doug (1830 to 1805)
2 Wilson, Chad (1662 to 1671) Brinkley, Jenn (1495 to 1486)
2 Sproat, Walter (1625 to 1637) Alberts, Tony (1528 to 1516)
2 Weakland, Dennis (1622 to 1638) Alberts, Mike (1612 to 1596)
3 Sproat, Walter (1637 to 1653) Weakland, Dennis (1638 to 1622)
3 Alberts, Mike (1596 to 1615) Wilson, Chad (1671 to 1652)
3 Simms, Doug (1805 to 1813) Thompson, Chris (1600 to 1592)
3 Brinkley, Brian (1757 to 1767) Guillermin, Michael (1624 to 1614)
3 Alberts, Tony (1516 to 1534) Fatzinger, Tammie (1563 to 1545)
3 Brennan, Don (1562 to 1575) Brinkley, Jenn (1486 to 1473)
4 Wilson, Chad (1652 to 1665) Brennan, Don (1575 to 1562)
4 Brinkley, Jenn (1473 to 1492) Fatzinger, Tammie (1545 to 1526)
4 Brinkley, Brian (1767 to 1778) Sproat, Walter (1653 to 1642)
4 Alberts, Mike (1615 to 1631) Guillermin, Michael (1614 to 1598)
4 Alberts, Tony (1534 to 1553) Thompson, Chris (1592 to 1573)
4 Weakland, Dennis (1622 to 1646) Simms, Doug (1813 to 1789)
5 Simms, Doug (1789 to 1799) Sproat, Walter (1642 to 1632)
5 Guillermin, Michael (1598 to 1616) Alberts, Mike (1631 to 1613)
5 Weakland, Dennis (1646 to 1658) Alberts, Tony (1553 to 1541)
5 Brinkley, Brian (1778 to 1786) Thompson, Chris (1573 to 1565)
6 Weakland, Dennis (1658 to 1680) Simms, Doug (1799 to 1777)
6 Brinkley, Brian (1786 to 1795) Guillermin, Michael (1616 to 1607)
7 Brinkley, Brian (1795 to 1806) Weakland, Dennis (1680 to 1669)

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