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Mysterio's Alter Perception
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Battle

This Special must be played on your turn. All of the following numerical attacks by the Character who played the Special are made face down on the Character to be attacked. The opponent may either guess what card to play in defense, and play it, or choose to take the hit. The attacking Character then flips over the attack card and the attack is resolved. If the card used to block does not block the attack (like blocking a 6 power card with a 4 power card) the blocking card is still discarded and the attack hits. Multipower cards do not need to be declared, but the defender may then declare the type to be whatever is most beneficial. This Special may be played in conjunction with a Power card attack, Tactic card, or with a Special card attack. It may not be played along with a Power card attack with a Universe card, Teamwork card, or Ally card but those attacks may be played subsequently in the battle.