Image - boosters in USA, starters and boosters in Japan
Released in the Fall of 1998

    This was the first set that was "published" by Marvel Interactive, with Wildstorms' help.  This set has one really powerful character that currently sees more play time than just about any other character.  There are a few more Artifacts in this set, but only one, Shadowhelmet, is worth using in my opinion.
    The starter decks are complete crap, to be brutally honest.  They are an easy way to get certain characters and some of their hard to find Specials as well as a complete set of Missions, but as far as playability goes, I do not recommend trying to hunt them down.  For some reason, the power card distribution is awful.  In each starter deck, there is only one level 5 Power card but there are seven level 7's, which means you will duplicate a 7 quite often.  They were originally planned to be released in Japan only, but there was enough demand for them in the states and enough supply to justify some distributors making them available.

    Basic card totals for this set:

Level 8 Power cards are much more common than ever before!
The 5 Multi and the Any Power 8 are very rare
Any Team Location, Omniverse, is also more common than Marvel Universe
Other Locations are virtually powerless
Starter decks could have been more playable

    Cards to look out for -

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