OverPower Ratings
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Event held at:Taz Comics
Burnaby, V5C 2K7

Event sanction number: TC005

Date of event: 5/2/1999

Time of Report: 7/2/2000 2:13:56 PM

1 Kiene, Thomas (1600 to 1617) Pruden, Jody (1616 to 1599)
1 Stillwell, Brady (1805 to 1813) Hopkins, Shawn (1627 to 1619)
1 Pederson, Amy (1600 to 1616) Tremblay, Pat (1597 to 1581)
1 Adano, Bim (1600 to 1614) Pruden, Clarrisa (1553 to 1539)
2 Stillwell, Brady (1813 to 1821) Kiene, Thomas (1617 to 1609)
2 Hopkins, Shawn (1619 to 1634) Pruden, Jody (1599 to 1584)
2 Pederson, Amy (1616 to 1632) Adano, Bim (1614 to 1598)
2 Tremblay, Pat (1581 to 1595) Pruden, Clarrisa (1539 to 1525)
3 Tremblay, Pat (1595 to 1611) Adano, Bim (1598 to 1582)
3 Kiene, Thomas (1609 to 1626) Hopkins, Shawn (1634 to 1617)
3 Stillwell, Brady (1821 to 1828) Pruden, Jody (1584 to 1577)
3 Pederson, Amy (1632 to 1643) Pruden, Clarrisa (1525 to 1514)
4 Hopkins, Shawn (1617 to 1631) Adano, Bim (1582 to 1568)
4 Tremblay, Pat (1611 to 1636) Stillwell, Brady (1828 to 1803)
4 Pederson, Amy (1643 to 1656) Pruden, Jody (1577 to 1564)
4 Kiene, Thomas (1626 to 1637) Pruden, Clarrisa (1514 to 1503)
5 Kiene, Thomas (1637 to 1653) Tremblay, Pat (1636 to 1620)
5 Hopkins, Shawn (1631 to 1648) Pederson, Amy (1656 to 1639)
6 Hopkins, Shawn (1648 to 1664) Kiene, Thomas (1653 to 1637)

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