My 'Evil' Beyonder deck

    You can thank Drew for coming up with the name for this deck of mine.
    I have noticed over the past few months that there are a lot of tournament decks using Beyonder.  While I know I cannot take credit for this increase in popularity, I did first make this deck in May of 1998 as possibly a killer of the Vertigo and Venture 7 decks that were so popular before Nationals.

Homebase: Marvel Universe
    Beyonder (i-i-i-i) May play any Special cards.
    Holocaust (7-2-6-2)
    Jubilee (6-4-2-4) May have duplicate 'Blinding Flare' Specials.
    X-Babies (5-5-4-1) May not be Spectrum or Cumulative KO'd with Power cards
Mission: Dark Phoenix Saga
Battlesite: (none)
Aspect Cards:
    Any-Homebase - A-Next [OPD]
    Any Character - Bastion [OPD]
    Any Character - Confusion [OPD]
    Any Character - Devourer Of Worlds [OPD]
    Any Character - Guardian Angel [OPD]
    Any Character - The Fortress Of Solitude [OPD]
    Any Hero - Gamma Terror [OPD]
    Any Hero - Power Leech [OPD]
    Any Hero - Web-Headed Wizard [OPD]
    Holocaust - Death Cannon [OPD]
    Holocaust - Impervious Crystal
    Holocaust - Otherwordly Evil
    Holocaust - Otherwordly Evil
    Jubilee - Blinding Flare
    Jubilee - Blinding Flare
    Jubilee - Blinding Flare
    Jubilee - Blinding Flare
    Jubilee - Blinding Flare
    Jubilee - Distracting Burst
    Jubilee - Distracting Burst
    Jubilee - Plasmoid Flash [OPD]
    Jubilee - Prismatic Flare [OPD]
    Jubilee - Troublemaker
    Jubilee - Troublemaker
    X-Babies - Li'l Colossus
    X-Babies - Li'l Colossus
    X-Babies - Li'l Dazzler
    X-Babies - Li'l Longshot
    X-Babies - Li'l Longshot
    X-Babies - Li'l Phoenix
    X-Babies - Li'l Phoenix
Power cards:
    Energy: 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7
    Fighting: 1 1
    Strength: 2 2
    MultiPower (EFSI): 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
Teamwork cards:
    2 * Energy 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
    2 * Energy 7 or more to use, follow-ups in Fighting and Strength
    2 * Strength 6 or more to use, follow-ups in Energy and Fighting
Artifact cards:
    1 * The Serpent Crown
Event cards:
   New Lease On Life - Reshuffle the Power Pack and Dead Pile into the Draw Pile.
Total cards: 59
Usable cards:
    41 for Beyonder
    39 for Holocaust
    39 for Jubilee
    28 for X-Babies
Exclusive cards:
    0 for Beyonder
    8 for Holocaust
    2 for Jubilee
    0 for X-Babies

    This deck has been so much fun to play, when the right cards are drawn of course.  This deck can be very frustrating for the opponent, especially when he does not know just how many avoids you may have left in your hand.
    Holocaust is the Reserve character and I have thought about switching him for Scarlet Witch.  With Scarlet Witch you gain a potent special, her "Opponent must discard 1 placed card," but you lose the 6 Strength.
    Recently I replaced Holocaust with Sarlet Witch.  So far, it was a glorious success in the first game and I made some terrible mistakes in the second game.

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