My Animated GIFs

    When I agreed to create some graphics for Norm's OPDeck web site, I decided to try my hand at an animated GIF.  Right now I only have three that I have made, and one of them has such a large file size that it probably shouldn't count as an animated GIF.

Click for the animated GIF    This is the final version of the first animated GIF I made.

Click for animated GIF, but you probably saw it on the main page    When I set out to make my OverPower page, I wanted to make an animated GIF for myself.

Click for a 1.7 Meg animated GIF    Then there is this one.  I had no idea the file size would be so large when I was making this animated GIF.  When I tried to limit the number of colors to reduce the file size, the background became an awfully dull solid gray.

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