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Carnage's Ruthless
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

This type of Special allows an attack after the opponent has Conceded. This attack may be defended. This attack may not be a Teamwork attack, Ally card, Tactic card, or an Any Hero Special – it must be an attack made by the Character who played the Special and only the Character who played the Special. If the attack made is a Special card that gives additional attacks, the additional attacks are unable to be used and are lost.

Meta Rules

Meta #5 An attack is something which directly affects either the opponent or one of the opponent's Characters. It does not include offensive actions that do not affect the opposing side.

Meta #61 Attacks that take place after an opponent concedes are limited to 1 attack to 1 Character. If a Special is played that grants follow-up attacks, the follow-up attacks are forfeited. Cards that requires a teammate's contribution (e.g., DoubleShot cards) can be used. Cards that require a teammates follow-up (teamworks, ally cards) cannot be used. Activator cards can be used.

Meta #62 Attacks that take place after an opponent concedes may not be made with a card that requires a teammate's follow-up (e.g., Teamwork card, Ally card).

Meta #69 Specials which affect what happens after an opponent has conceded the battle cannot be played in response to a player conceding before the battle begins (an option both players have).

Meta #126 When an opponent concedes, only one Special may be played in response to that concession - even if multiple cards are playable after an opponent concedes.

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