Revision as of 08:37, 9 April 2012 by Mattkoz (Talk | contribs)

Black Canary's Opening Flower Discipline
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Battle

This special acts as a level # attack. If the attack is successful, in addition to the normal damage done, it acts as an AM special. Once the battle in which the hit lands is over, the part of the special that effects the target's ability to defend no longer applies (although the damage of the special remains on the permanent record).

Meta Rules

Meta #16 Bonuses only affect the attack/defend value of a Special - never any numbers that are included within the text of a Special (e.g., "Draw 3 cards").

Meta #17 If an avoid indicates that it avoids a numeric amount (e.g., "9 or less") then it can only be used to avoid a numerical attack that is of the value indicated or less. Bonuses/penalties that the team or character have do not affect the level of the avoid.

Meta #29 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", then the second aspect of the Special only takes place in the event that the initial attack is not defended. If the hit lands and is later negated, then the subsequent action is not negated if the result is no longer "on the table."

Meta #30 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", then the second aspect of the Special does not necessarily need to occur. It may not be possible to perform the secondary action. The secondary action may be specified as optional. However, if it is required and possible to perform the second action, it must be done.

Meta #34 Bonuses/penalties granted by Special cards are never counted towards damage or Venture Total unless specifically stated otherwise on the Special.

Meta #37 Bonuses granted by Special cards do not affect any Character's power grids, but the value at which one determines the attack value/defense value of an action. The bonus/penalty only affects the value of cards with a number/icon in the upper left hand corner.

Meta #122 If a Special has the phrase "if successful", and the secondary condition targets a Character, then the secondary condition only comes into effect if it is a Character which is targeted. If a Special or a Battlesite were targeted, then the secondary effect would not take place. If the secondary condition does not target a Character but affects the playing Character or the opponent, then the effect still comes into play.

Last modified on 9 April 2012, at 08:37