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Venom's Symbiotic Snare
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Battle

This type of Special prevents the target Character from making any attacks during the Battle. The Character may continue to play defensive cards or offensive cards that do not target the opponent or the opponent's Characters. This attack may be avoided or negated. The correct wording of AV Specials is: "Target Character may not attack for remainder of Battle." (i.e., When the card reads target opponent, it really means target Character.)


Longshot's One in a Million should be considered a CV Special.

Meta Rules

Meta #5 An attack is something which directly affects either the opponent or one of the opponent's Characters. It does not include offensive actions that do not affect the opposing side.

Meta #25 Only attacks which target a specific Character may be shifted or otherwise defended by a Character specific defensive action. Attacks made on the "opponent" may not be shifted or avoided. Attacks made on a Battlesite cannot be shifted.

Meta #52 Specials which alter how a Character (or the opponent) may attack cannot be played defensively unless there is a secondary effect from the Special which is being used defensively.

Meta #150 Specials which target a Character must be played against a character - they may not be played against a Special or a Battlesite.

Meta #152 Specials which read "Target" (with no qualifier) or "Target Opponent" should read "Target Character". Specials which say "Opponent" without the word "Target" refer to the opponent (not a specific character).