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Iron Man's Tactical Computer
Offensive Yes
Defensive No
Duration Instant

This Special allows the player playing the card to draw a new card from the top of his or her Draw pile. The sequence of play when playing this card is:

  1. Play the Special.
  2. Place it on top of the Dead Pile.
  3. Draw top card from Draw Pile.
  4. Place new card in hand.

This counts as your action for this turn. The newly drawn card does not have to be discarded if it is a duplicate of a card currently placed or held in hand.

Meta Rules

Meta #48 Whenever a Special allows you to draw during the course of the battle, you must discard all drawn cards which are unusable (you may continue to hold any unusables which were unusable prior to the draw).

Meta #49 Whenever a Special allows you to draw during the course of a battle, if it does not indicate whether or not you can keep duplicates, then duplicates must be discarded.