
    Here are some other web sites that I think are pretty important to anyone in the OverPower community.

    OPDeck - This is simply the best tool available for building a deck.  You must check this out, 'nuff said.

    GDMJr's Page - Gary's page is the home of the comprehensive checklist of absolutely everything OverPower.  He also has some information for joining the OP Alliance, a mailing list strictly for OverPower, as well as many other links to OverPower web sites.

    Ty's Danger Room - This is the latest Internet Message Board for OverPower.

    The Nth Dimension - If you are looking to buy single cards then Drew just might have what you are looking for.

    The OverPower Legacy -  Ryan has some interesting info on his OP page.

    Potomac Distribution - I have placed some orders from this distributor in the past and I highly recommend them.  They usually have some decent prices for most OverPower expansions.  Remember to check out the damaged boxes list as you may be able to get an even better deal.  The only down side is you have to meet a minimum order.  I haven't checked lately but it should be $100.

    Ebay - This auction site has a large variety of OverPower cards from many different sellers.  Too many of the listings are junk though [people posting single cards that happen to be as common as water or as useless as roadkill outside of redneck country].  However, you may find several retailers trying to unload some unsold boxes of product for much less than it's highest retail.  Also, you will occasionally find a rare Batman Holo Hero or Classic Insert up for grabs.  I will warn you though, prices tend to be high for those and the rip-off artists are more common as well.  As with most things, let the buyer beware.

    Do you think you have an OverPower web site that should be on this list?  Just tell me about it and if I agree then I'll add it to my list.

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